Accelerated Ray Tracing for Scientific Simulations


July 22, 2021 - PEARC21 Program Link

PEARC21 Birds of a Feather

Paul Navratil - Texas Advanced Computing Center

Estelle Dirand - Total Energies

Christiaan Gribble - SURVICE Engineering

Pascal Grosset - Los Alamos National Laboratory

ANARI Working Group Update

Jefferson Amstutz - NVIDIA


Paul Navratil - Texas Advanced Computing Center

SC20 Events

Exhibitor Forum: November 18th, 2020 - SC20 Program Link

Extended Forum (bandit BOF): November 20th, 2020

SC20 Exhibitor Forum

Paul Navratil - Texas Advanced Computing Center

Jeff Amstutz - Intel

Extended Exhibitor Forum (bandit BOF)

Paul Navratil - Texas Advanced Computing CenterJeff Amstutz - Intel João Barbosa - Minho Advanced Computing CenterEstelle Dirand - TOTALChristiaan Gribble - SURVICE EngineeringPascal Grosset - Los Alamos National LaboratoryPeter Messmer - NVIDIAHannah Ross - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Physical Simulation via Hardware-Optimized Ray Tracing Engines

Christiaan Gribble - SURVICE Engineering

SC19 Birds of a Feather

November 20th, 2019 - SC19 Program Link

Discussion notes are here:

Abstract: Many physical simulations incorporate vector mathematics to model phenomena such as radiative transfer and to compute behavior such as particle advection. Hardware-optimized ray tracing engines, tuned by processor manufacturer engineers, can accelerate simulation critical sections that depend on ray-based traversals and intersections. This BoF will serve as a venue for developers and users of simulations, visual analysis codes, and ray tracers to discuss interfaces, capabilities, and performance. This meeting will continue the conversation toward standardization of ray tracer interfaces to facilitate their expanding role throughout scientific workflows, including data evaluation, insight formulation, discovery communication, and presentation-quality artifact generation.

SOLAR Consortium Overview

Paul Navratil - Texas Advanced Computing Center

Ray Tracing at TOTAL

Estelle Dirand - TOTAL

Ray Tracing for Scientific Applications

Pascal Grosset - Los Alamos National Laboratory

SOLAR Inaugural Meeting

May 30-31, 2019 - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Thanks to all who attended!

Monte Carlo Particle Transport and Ray Tracing: A Shared History and Future Possibilities

Jeremy Sweezy - Los Alamos National Laboratory

Simulating the Epoch of Reionization

Hannah Ross - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Physical Simulation via Hardware-Optimized Ray Tracing Engines

Christiaan Gribble - SURVICE Engineering

OPTIX for Compute

Peter Messmer - NVIDIA

Ray Tracing and Rendering in 2019

Jeff Amstutz - Intel

Ray Tracing for Science -

Discussion Summary and Next Steps