D2.1 Language Buddy Repository of Best Practices
Forty-eight best practices were collected from the eight EU partner countries involved in the Language Buddy Project. By clicking on the "Download" button, you can access detailed descriptions of the selected practices, highlighting success factors and outcomes that support the inclusion of migrant students.
International /EU level
1. Title of the best practice
2. Title of the best practice
(Original /national language)
(Original /national language)
3. Access to Best Practice Description
(Y)our Europe?!: Enhancing the sense of European belonging of young migrant leaders
Н/Вашата Европа?!: Засилване на чувството за европейска принадлежност на младите мигрантски лидери
Passage - Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education
Passage - Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education
Greek Language Program and Mediation Services for Minor Third- Country Nationals (TCNs)
Γεια χαρά
Orient8 - Orientate Newcomers by Smart Social Mentoring
Orient8 - Orientate Newcomers by Smart Social Mentoring
Peer Mentoring - Supporting refugee children's integration in Polish schools
Peer Mentoring - Supporting refugee children's integration in Polish schools
SPEAK: language learning and community building
SPEAK: language learning and community building
MINT: Mentorship for the integration of third country national children affected by migration
MINT: Mentorat pentru integrarea copiilor afectati de migratie
Intercultural Mentoring tools to support migrant integration at school (INTO)
Intercultural Mentoring tools to support migrant integration at school (INTO)
Feinamc. Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children
Feinamc. Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children
National level
1. Title of the best practice
2. Title of the best practice
(Original /national language)
(Original /national language)
3. Country
4. Access to Best Practice Description
Mentoring support for students of Roma origin studying health majors
Менторска подкрепа за студенти от ромски произход, изучаващи здравни специалности
Community and Proximity in the Reception and Integration of Refugees
Community and Proximity in the Reception and Integration of Refugees
Thunderstorm of ideas: linguistic and social inclusion of Portuguese-speaking African students
Trovoada de ideias: linguistic and social inclusion of Portuguese-speaking African students
Urretxindorra. Mentoring between young migrants and university students
"Urretxindorra mentoría entre jóvenes migrantes y universitarios"
Point of Reference. Accompaniment of young people in exile
Punt de Referència. Acompanyament de joves extutelats
JAWANext - a labor market policy project of Integrationshaus (Association Integration House)
JAWANA ein Arbeitmarktpolitisches Projekt zur Integration
incluso - The mentoring program for young migrants looking for an apprenticeship
incluso: Mentoring für junge Migrantinnen und Migranten auf Lehrstellensuche
Education in interethnic communities. Authentic mobilization
Educatie in comunitati interetnice. Mobilizare autentica
Romanian language handbooks for Ukrainan teenagers and children
Romanian language handbooks for Ukrainan teenagers and children
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. GA number: 101141117