
Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS)

Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) are one way institutions make early offers to current Australian Year 12 students who have applied for undergraduate admission through UAC. SRS are also used by institutions to make offers of undergraduate admission using criteria other than (or in addition to) ATARs. These criteria may include school recommendations, senior secondary studies and personal awards and achievements. Institutions have their own policies on determining SRS eligibility and making offers. 

These may include: 

■ making early offers based solely on SRS criteria 

■ making offers based on both SRS criteria and ATAR (or equivalent) 

■ making offers based on SRS criteria and ATAR (or equivalent) and equity criteria. 

Educational Access Schemes (EAS)

Educational Access Schemes (EAS) help students who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage gain admission to university. EAS are available for educationally disadvantaged students who:

■ belong to a group which is statistically under-represented in the student population and/or

■ by virtue of their individual experience/s, have been impeded in their studies.

Educational Access Schemes are offered by most of UAC’s participating institutions.


Equity Scholarships

Equity Scholarships help disadvantaged students with the general costs associated with tertiary study. They are awarded to students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those who receive Centrelink income support payments such as ABSTUDY, Austudy, Youth Allowance, JobSeeker Payment, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment (Single) or the Carer Payment.

There are two types of Equity Scholarship:

Most institutions also offer merit scholarships: apply directly to the institution for these

University Early Entry 2024/25

Early Entry 2024-25.pdf