In the Classroom

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Our classrooms follow the South Prairie Eagle’s Expectation Motto:

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Ready To Learn


  • Be Respectful: We are using language that is appropriate for school and each other. We can be understanding. We use good manners. We support others.
  • Be Responsible: We are setting a good example to our peers. We are accountable for our actions. We come to school prepared for our day.
  • Be Ready to Learn: We are sitting in our seats with the materials that we need. We are listening to the teacher, or whoever is talking, and participating in class. All materials are at school so that we can use them.

Our classrooms will be using a behavior clip up chart. Every child will begin the day with their clip on green (ready to learn). As they go through the day they may have opportunities to clip up to blue (good choices), purple (great job), or pink (super student). At the end of the day students will document the color in the assignment notebook that they ended the day on. When students end the day on pink they will receive a special reward.

If a student makes poor choices, he/she will clip down on the chart to yellow (make better choices) with the opportunity to clip back up to green with improved behavior before the end of the day. If he/she clips down further to orange (teachers choice) the student will miss part of their recess time, or any consequence that the teacher feels is appropriate for the behavior. If the student clips down to the last step of red they will miss the entire recess, and we will write the reason in their assignment notebook, or email or call you. The assignment notebook will also need to be signed. Students will always have the chance to clip back up to green from any step down with improved behavior.

Violent words or actions will result in an immediate clip to red. The student may also meet with Mr. Wesley to review Eagle Expectations.

It is our plan to maintain high expectations, reward continuous positive behavior, and keep the communication link from home to school strong so that all students have a great environment in which to learn!

Pink- Way to go!

The Way to Go level is reserved for outstanding behavior. A student who reaches this level will earn a special note home.

Purple- Super Student!

Students move to the Super Student level for continuing to display good behavior. You should be very proud of your child for reaching this level!

Blue- Excellent Effort!

Students move to the Excellent Effort level for showing that they are making the right behavior decisions. Ending the day on this level is great!

Green-Ready to Learn

Every student will start the day on the Ready to Learn level. As the day goes on, clips can be moved up and down, based on behavior. This level is a good one to be on.

Yellow- Slow Down, make better choices.

A student will move to the Slow Down level as a warning about his/her behavior, and a reminder to follow the rules.

Orange- Teacher’s Choice

Students who continue to make poor choices will move down to the Teacher’s Choice level. At this level the teacher will decide what action to take. Loss of recess or center time might be an appropriate choice.

Red- Parent Contact

When a student moves to the Parent Contact level, the teacher will communicate with parents via email, text, Remind, or call. They will also need to have their assignment notebook signed. A visit to the principal’s office might also be in order. Students on this level may also lose recess time, etc.

We believe this will be a positive way for students to monitor their choices and will give them behavior goals to strive for! As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us!


Birthdays are special occasions for young children. Rather than bringing in a birthday treat, our policy will include a fun activity (we will make a list of some ideas as a class) OR your child could bring in a pencil, eraser or other small material object for each child to celebrate their birthday. Of course we will still sing for each child.

Please do not send birthday party invitations to school unless the entire class has been invited. This avoids any hurt feelings.

Ordering Scholastic Books

Several times during the year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book forms.

– For Mrs. Richardson’s class, if you wish to order books go to

– For Mr. McDonald’s class, if you wish to order books go to and follow the easy online ordering steps.

You may also send in the order form with a check (no cash please).These orders provide a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for their children at low prices. You are never under any obligation to order.