Daily Updates

May 7

May 2

With all the rain; this was a very fitting day to read Matthew 8:23-27.  Jesus was sleeping in the boat during a storm.  When he woke he said, "Silence".  The disciples realized that even the wind and sea obey his commands.  

The class ended the day with rhythm sticks.

April 30

There was so much happening today.  We celebrated McKinley's 4th birthday.  Tommy is our Shining Star this week.  The class learned that green is his favorite color.  He really likes all sports.  Spaghetti, strawberries and ice cream are his favorite foods.  Tommys favorite animals are a horse and polar bear.Worm hunting, playing baseball, playing basketball and card games "Uno" and "Old Maid" are some of his favorite activities.  He has two little sisters that he adores.

God will always take care of our needs.  We need to know and trust Him.  Matthew 6:26 tells us, "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?

April 25

We grew a dinosaur plant in class today.  The kids were completely fascinated watching the changes to the plant.  

Mrs. Gorr brought in a rainmaker stick to show the class during music. It is made of dried cactus.  The spines are pushed into the hard wood body and small beans are sealed inside. They got to touch and listen to it.

April 23

Charlie is our Shining Star this week.  His favorite color is blue.  Charlie really enjoys fishing and hunting.  Grapes and yogurt are his favorite foods.  The giraffe is his favorite animal.  He has one older brother.  Doing crafts and puzzles are activities that he enjoys.  Charlie had lots of pictures to share with the class.

Dinosaurs!  That was the theme for today.  The class did several dinosaur movements- stomping their great big, chomping great big teeth and roaring.  Each student made a personalized dinosaur.

April 18

The life cycle of a frog was the topic for today.  The class listened to "Tadpole Trouble."  It takes approximately 14 weeks for a tadpole to turn into a frog.  The class watched a video of this metamorphosis. 

Apri 16

River is our Shining Star this week.  Her favorite color is pink.  She has one little sister.  Chicken nuggets and fries is her favorite meal.  Giraffes and unicorns are her favorite animals.  River likes to paint pictures.  "Wish" is her favorite book.

We made a rainbow for art today.  The class knows that the rainbow represents God's promise to never flood the world again.  Noahs Ark was the book that the class listened to during circle time.

April 11

"Corduroy" and "A Pocket for Corduroy" were the books read today.  Each student went home with their own Corduroy.  We did the Teddy Bear Dance and The Teddy Bear Song too.

Mrs. Gorr came to the class for music today.  

April 9

Rori is our Shining Star this week.  She celebrates her birthday every Halloween!  Purple, orange, yellow, green and blue are her favorite colors.  Mint chocolate chip ice cream is her favorite.  She had one younger sister.  Playing hide and seek outside, going to the cabin and riding on her rocking are some of her most enjoyed activities.  Tigers are her favorite animal.

The class listened to the book "Freight Train".   They made their own train with rectangle shaped sponges.

April 4

Springtime!  The class watercolored an umbrella and counted ten raindrops to place with it.  The class listened to a book that told of all the changes that happen during spring.  

April 2

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" was the book and topic of our day.  The class got to play a part in telling the story.  Ask what item they had to add to the felt board.  This classic story always a favorite for the class.  We watched an animated telling of the story after recess today.  They made their own caterpillar with paper towel tubes in art.

The class had indoor recess today.  They had hola hoops and balls to run of some energy with.

March 18

Day seven, God saw that all He made was good and He rested.  The class shared that their family spends time together and attend church on Sunday.  

We did the Easter story with Resurrection eggs.  These were great for the class to see, hear and touch symbols of the true meaning of Easter.  Snack included the Easter Story too:  Pretzel sticks to make a cross (Colossians 2:14) Craisins- the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7) round cracker to symbolized the stone rolled away from the tomb (Luke 24:2) goldfish crackers to remind us to be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19) marshmallow to remind us that Jesus washed our sins away (1 John 1:19) and a jelly bean as a sweet treat to remind us "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

March 16

On day six, God created animals that live on the land.  God created people.  Adam named all the animals.  Day six of their creation book was added today.

McKinley is our Shining Star this week.  Her favorite color is indigo (and she described the color perfectly to the class). The Cat and in the Hat is her favorite book; the class listened to this story during snack.  McKinley enjoys riding her bike, dance and gymnastics.  Spaghetti is her favorite food.  Horses and llamas are her favorite animals.  She has a litte brother too.

The class began to talk about Easter today.  This is a story of love- Gods love for every single person.  

March 14

On day five, God created the creatures in the water and birds in the sky.  The class made another page for their creation book.  A short video on creation and the Trinity of God was watched on the CleverTouch.  

The class sang a few songs about spring and Easter with Mrs. Gorr today.

March 12 

On day three, God created the land and plants.  On day four, God created the sun, moon and stars.  The class made two more pages for their 'Days of Creation.'

The class celebrated Tommy's 4th Birthday.  He shared that he will go bowling and have a baseball birthday cake.  

Laney is our Shining Star this week.  Red and blue are her favorite colors.  Chicken nuggets are her favorite food.  She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Laney's favorite animal is a dog; she has two at her home.  Laney is in dance and tap.  She has one younger brother. "I Spy" books are her favorite books.  She brought "Don't Push that Button" book for the class to listen to and interact with at snack time.  

March 7

On day two, God created the sky and water.  The class made page two for their creation booklet including water and clouds.  They also got to make it rain with the clouds we "made."

Mrs. Gorr was back today for music!  

March 5

This entire month the class will be talking about the days of creation.  On day one, God separated the light from the dark.  We discussed that all that we read this in the Bible in the book of Genesis.  The class will make a "Days of Creation" booklet that will include a project for each day of creation.

Katie is our Shining Star this week.  Her favorite color is pink.  She enjoys swimming and playing with Play-Doh.  Katie's favorite foods are spaghetti and strawberry frozen yogurt.  'Barnyard Dance' is her favorite book.  Unicorns are her favorite animal.  Katie loves to sing, dance and play dress-up.  She has a twin brother and two older sisters.

February 27

"Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?" was the story read to the class.  The class used their hand to create a polar bear on an iceberg for art.  

The class celebrated two birthdays today: Charlie and Andi.  Each had a crown and we sang twice.

Liberty is our 'Shining Star' this week.  She had a lot of pictures to show the class.  Liberty's favorite color is pink.  She likes to eat eggs with salt. Liberty's favorite activity is to keep balloons off the ground. A monkey is her favorite animal.  Liberty has a big brother and a big sister.

February 22

'The Hat' was the book read to the class today.  The class made a hat by using white crayons to decorate before using watercolors to paint it.  Pom-poms will be added to complete their hat.

The class listen to a story about Jesus healing an old woman that had been sick for 12 years and a young girl that Jesus brought back from the dead .  Both of these are from the Book of Luke.  Seek the Lord, nothing escapes Him.

February 20

'The Mitten' was todays book.  The class got to assist in the story.  Some students held the mitten to fit the animal inside and some had an animal.  They made their own mitten in art today.

Hattie is our Shining Star this week.  She brought in her favorite book for the class to see and hear, "How to Catch a Unicorn."  Hattie is a big sister to one brother and one sister.  She enjoys gymnastics.   Hatties favorite color is rainbow.  Her favorite animals are dogs and unicorns.  Hattie' s favorite food are granola bars.  The class liked to look at all the pictures Hattie had to share.   

February 15

The class assisted in telling the story of Jesus starting His ministry.  They each had a felt item to place on the felt board as the story was read.  We discussed the season of Lent as a time to grow closer to the Lord.  I had a few students share with the class things they were "giving up for Lent."

Each student made a stained glass cross to place on the classroom door.  The entire school is taking part in decorating each classroom door with crosses,; one made by each student.

We did rhythm sticks for music class today.

February 13

We had a wonderful Valentine's celebration in the classroom.  At circle time our book was "In My Heart."  It is a book that talks about all the different feelings of all shapes and sizes that we experience.  The class stacked hearts, decorated their own Valentine's bag, played in the sensory bin, exchanged pretend boxes of chocolates and had a balloon party too.  So many giggles today! 

Our Shining Star this week is Boone!  He is four years old.  Boone has one big sister, one big brother and one little sister.  At snack the class listened to Boones favorite book, "Boone and His Building Friends."  A really neat personalized book that he received from an uncle and aunt.  Red is Boones favorite color.  His favorite animal is a deer.   He likes to play games.  Boone's favorite food is tavern and mac and cheese.

February 8

The class has been doing so well with cutting.  Check out the flamingos they made with a heart shaped body that they cut themselves.  Counting to ten was the theme of the book at circle time.  The class liked that they got to help read the numbers pictured.  After snack, we read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?"  This is a book that many are very familiar with- they knew almost all the words!

The class got in great practice writing their first name by using the CleverTouch Board.

The playground is a bit wet today.  In order to still get some fresh air we took a walk around the school building and church.  

February 6

Baylor is our 'Shining Star' this week.  She has one older brother and two younger brothers.  Baylors favorite color is pink and her favorite animal is a unicorn.  She likes to paint.  Baylors favorite food is chicken nuggets.(She likes to dip them in ketchup and ranch.). Her favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?"  

This week we are talking about hearts, Valentine's and love.  The class had an art project with their name and placing the letters in the correct order.  We had a special visitor in class today... Father Theisen!  The class sang the ABC song to him:)

February 1

Catholic Schools Week is so much fun!  The class got to participate in a few 30 second dance party with the rest of the school.  Mrs. Gorr came to the class for music today.  They sang H-E-A-R-T, Teddy Bear, Dinosaur Stomp and Down by the Bay.

January 30

Penguins are this weeks topic.  The class learn to woddle like a penguin.  The emperor penguin is as tall as a four year old.  This was a fun fact for the class to learn, since we have several four year old classmates.

We sang 'Five Little Penguins Jumping on the Bed.'  They made a splat paint penguins in art today.

January 25

Design scissors, water color painting and pom pom patterns were the morning activities today.  Our Seeds story told of Jesus' love for us and desire to heal us.  We all have the capacity to love and forgive, pray, act and react because we are made in God's image.  Jesus came to show us how precious we all are in God's sight.  

The class stayed in for recess- the playground is muddy.  Rhythm sticks and phonics man were the indoor activities today.  

January 23

Today we celebrated Hattie's 4th Birthday! She brought a treat that went home with each student.

Wilson is a our 'Shining Star' this week.  Steam engines are his favorite toy and books to be read.  Orange is his favorite color.  He shared that red and yellow make the color orange too!  Wilson enjoys mac and cheese, buttered bread and pizza as a favorite food.  Baby zebras are his favorite animals- which he did not see any when he went to the zoo.  Wilson had many pictures to show the class.  'Dig Dig Digging' was a book that Wilson brought to be read to the class during snack.

Snow is the topic for this week.  The class made snowflake gnomes.  Adorable!

January 16

Benny is this weeks Shining Star.  His favorite color is blue.  'The Good Egg' is Benny's favorite book.  His favorite food is chunky peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches.  Zebras and his pet puppy, Minnie are his favorite animals.  Benny has three sister and is a twin.  He loves Spiderman, monster trucks and Super Mario.

Rhythm sticks were introduced today.  The class did very well with this.  Rhythm sticks are a wonderful tool to teach fine motor skills, sense of rhythm, following directions, body awareness and coordination.  This can be done at home using paper towel rolls or chop sticks.

'Snowman's Big Job' was the book read at circle time.  Three objects were given as clues for the class to guess what job the snowman will do.  The class did very well figuring out the career of the pictured snowman..  Each student had a chance to share what they want to be when they grow up.

January 11

I read another version of the 'Gingerbread Boy'.   The class was able to point out the things that are the same from both books and the things that were different.  

LOTS OF EXCITEMENT for the gingerbread man scavenger hunt.  The class got to travel to the school office, the library, the kitchen, the lockers and back to the classroom for gingerbread cookies!

A new felt board story was introduced.  "Snowball, snoball, cold and round behind which mitten can you be found?"  The class practices turn taking, mystery and colors.

January 9

The Gingerbread Man was the book read to the class.  A classic story that only a few kids were familiar with.  They were all intrigued with this gingerbread boy. In art the class decorated their own gingerbread boy.  The class also did the "Gingerbread Cookie Dance" and went a "Gingerbread Man Hunt."

Andi is our Shining Star this week.  She has an older sister and brother.  Purple and yellow are her favorite colors.  Andi's favorite foods are yogurt and strawberries.  She brought in her favorite book "Jesus Calling" that the class listened to during snack time.  Swimming and dance are her favorite activities.   The class really enjoyed looking at the pictures that Andi brought in to share.

January 4

Our Shining Star Luca celebrated his half birthday over Christmas break.  His favorite color is blue and he likes pepperoni pizza.  Diggersaurs Explore is Luca's favorite book.  He also likes to build with Legos and to go fishing.  Dragons are his favorite animal (and his dog, Daisy). Luca also likes to play pirates and knights and to go flying with his Popi (grandpa).  He is a great helper in the kitchen when bread is being prepared. 

January 2

The class was wonderful. They jumped right back into the routine without a second thought.

They made a project with their handprint today.  Pencil grasp and name writing was practiced today.  It is incredible to see the progression that has taken place since the beginning of the school year.

The class is requesting snow- they had a great time playing in the small amount of snow found on the playground:)

December 21

Wow!  They did amazing!  Thank you for coming and have a blessed Christmas!

December 14

There are many things that excite us during the Christmas season.  It is a good reminder to step back and remember the reason we celebrate Christmas.  Reading the story of Jesus' birth is an easy way to do this.  In class I read several stories that celebrate the birth of Christ.

The class had music in the church with Mrs. Gorr today.  Those little voices sang loud and clear for all to hear.  You are in for a treat next week.

December 12

"The Gifts of Christmas" was the book read at circle time. 

The class also took a 'field trip' over to the church to practice for the Christmas program.  

December 7

The class celebrated Laney's birthday today.  A special treat went home in backpacks from the birthday girl. 

The class did a lot of painting with water colors today.  They finished their angel ornaments.  These are just precious!  

Seeds discussed Jesus' cousin, John.  He was a good man who told people to be ready for Jesus.  He even baptized Jesus.  Christmas time is a special time that we reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.  God's coming to live with us in Jesus.

December 5

Tomorrow is Saint Nicholas Day.  The class made a St. Nick in art with cotton balls.  These are displayed in the hallway.  During free play the class could make cut-out cookies with Play-Doh, built a house for a gingerbread man and decorated the class Christmas tree.

Today was great practice for putting on all their snow gear.  I modeled the order to put on the items and have a reminder posted in the locker.  

November 30

Grahm was our Shining Star this week.  His favorite colors are blue and white.   'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie' and 'The Pokey Puppy' are his favorite books.  At snack the class listened to 'The Pokey Puppy' book.  Grahm's favorite food is spaghetti and his favorite animal is a cat.  He has a black and white cat at home.  "The Floor is Lava" is a favorite activity of Grahms.    The class really liked all the fun pictures that Grahm had to share.  

The class is continuing to practice for their Christmas Program.  They are doing so well! 

The class did some painting to begin making ornaments for the Christmas tree in the entrance.  We also have a Christmas tree in the classroom that they can decorate during free play. 

November 28

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.  He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. John 1:9-10

Christmas time carries many traditions that differ from family to family.  In class we will read and discuss the birth of Jesus and why this is important. We must never forget that Christmas is first and foremost about remembering the birth of our Savior.  His story is one of love, sacrifice, and compassion- values we should strive for throughout all aspects of our lives. 

November 21

Colorful turkeys made from paper doilies are in your child's folder.  The class got to meet Gilbert the Gobbler.  He is a turkey from the book "Gracious Gobbler".   He shared ways to be thankful, kind and caring.

November 16

The class worked on getting the letters of their name in the correct order.  We shared something that we are thankful for- each student was encouraged to have a different answer.  Here are some of the answers:  hugs, playgrounds, grandma and grandpa, dogs, kisses, mom and dad, warm blankets, stuffed animals and food.

November 14

Raccoons were todays topic.  They are most active at night.  On average they have sevens kits.  Raccoons preferred diet include fruits, vegetables and frogs.  They live in North and South America. Check out the raccoons the class made hanging in the hallway.

November 9

The class discussed that God protected David when he fought Goliath.  Two cuties were used to represent this- The cutie with a peel (armor of God) and a peeled cutie (no protection).  Ephesians 6:10-18  tells us that when we wear the armor of God, we stay afloat and when we take it off, we sink.  Stand firm in your faith in the Lord. 

Noah's Ark was todays topic.  The class helped to reenact Noah building the ark and loading each kind of animal.  The class REALLY enjoyed pretending to be animals.  In art they colored a coffee filter shaped like an ark and strayed with water to reveal something.  It was a cross.  God kept Noah safe.  Noah obeyed God, even when no one else was.

November 7

The class celebrated Liberty's 4th Birthday today.  She shared that she had a Bluey birthday cake.

Audrey is our Shining Star this week.  Her favorite colors are black and red today; it can change daily. Audrey has pet chickens that she helps care for.  She also has a puppy that she adores.   Being outside, dancing, swimming and fishing are some of her favorite activities.   Audrey has many, many cousins that she spends time with.

The class listened to the story of David and Goliath today.  I measured nine feet and placed a visual on the wall in the classroom to show them just how tall Goliath was.  David trusted that Lord to protect him from Goliath.  He had the armor of God.  The class watercolored a shield with a cross on it to remind them to look to the Almighty to be their protector.

October 26

"The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin" was our book at circle time.  It's a great book about being unique, tolerance and perseverance.  The class made their own Spookley.  See them hanging outside the classroom door.   Watercolors were used to paint paper pumpkins as many colors as wanted. 

For Seeds, we discussed all the ways we can praise God.  Praying, singing, being respectful and thoughtful, showing love, caring for Creation.

This was the last chance for Halloween music with Mrs. Gorr.   The next music class will be the beginning of Christmas songs!

October 24

Preschool is into pumpkin season!  Bumpy, orange, round, tall, flat, lots of seeds- all words that describe a pumpkin.  The class made a pumpkin with their name on it.  This was a great opportunity for the class to practice their fine motor skills- lots of cutting was involved. Dancing like a skeleton, flying like a bat and swaying like a ghost were some of the movements we did today.

October 12

"The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village" was read at circle time.  This book was donated to our class.  Thank you!  The village had a tractor that they pushed and pulled through the field to assist with their planting.  It was hard work, but this was just how things were.  Farmer Dave discovers a long-lost book in the attic that explains that the tractor can move on its own. The villagers did not believe him- that is too good to be true.  This did not stop Farmer Dave from believing what he had read.  He believed and worked on the tractor until one morning the villagers woke up to an incredible surprise- their work had been done for them!   We are like the big red tractor- God made us and He knows just how you work best.  He wrote a book full of truth that can guide us through everything this side of Heaven.  So incredible!

The class painted, made a fire truck, two bean bag activities, danced like skeletons and had music with Mrs. Gorr today.

October 10


The firetruck tent, fire helmets and jackets were available for the class to use in dramatic play.  Lots of siren noises:)

In class we talked about the top five fire safety tips:

New Prague Fire Department had two volunteers come to talk with the class. They described the equipment that they wear to protect them- and reminded kids to not be scared- they are there to help.  The class had the chance to see the fire engine and even ride around the block!  Please be sure to look at the photos.  Each student received some great items and a frisbee from the fire department.

October 5

The gospel story in Seeds was "The Story of the Two Sons".   This story taught the class that if we make not-so-good choices, we can change our minds and make a better choice.

Texture boards were used under paper to guide the class in making a tree with colorful leaves.  

Mrs. Gorr came to class for music- Baby Shark was one of the songs the class sang.

October 3

We continued talking about fall today. There are so many changes that happen all around us during this season.  Everywhere on planet Earth- people may not hear about God, but they definitely see His creations.  

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky.  Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature." -Roman 1:20

Sponges shaped as leaves were used to make our art project today.  The class also had corn in the sensory bin to create a construction site.

Boone will celebrate his 4th Birthday tomorrow.  Today the class celebrated with him.  He shared that he will have a "chocolate and vanilla cake with Spiderman and all the other things I like on it."  Boone got to choose our activity today- he chose a bean bag activity.  Please be sure to check your child's backpack for the special treat Boone shared.

September 28

Owls.  There are 145 kinds of owls in the world. Owls have big eyes to help them see at night.  Sharp claws to help them grab food.  An owl's fluffy feathers help it to fly very quietly.   The class was able to hoot like an owl too!  The class made an owl using dried leaves.

The class did there first Seeds.  This will be our weekly religion lesson.  They also had music today.

September 26

Leaves will be the theme for a couple weeks in Preschool.  In class we discussed Autumn or Fall.  A classmate brought in a book to share with the class on the season of Autumn.  The book shared pictures, explained seasons and activities that many enjoy during Autumn.  The class had a campfire with s'more supplies in dramatic play.  They could also rake leaves into a pile.  In art students painted leaves and stamped onto paper.

The school practiced a "Code Red" lockdown.  The class was aware that this would take place.  Our goal is to keep each student and adult safe in the school and this lockdown is a way to do that.  Shades are closed, the door is locked, lights are off, students and staff go to the designated spot in the classroom and sit quietly until the 'all clear' is given.  The class did incredible with practicing this!!

The 'Bean Bag Boogie' and the 'Beanie Bag Dance' were the songs we did for our gross motor activity.  

September 21

"Under the Apple Tree" was the book that the class listened to and did some actions.  In art the class made an apple with seeds that match their age.  They also painted an apple with watercolors.  

We celebrated our first class birthday!  Grahm will turn four years old tomorrow.  He shared that he will have a zombie birthday cake.  Grahm is looking forward to a swimming and hotel trip to celebrate his birthday too!  

Mrs. Gorr joined the classroom for Music.  The class always has fun singing and dancing with her.

September 19

Apples! The class got to talk about apples... the yummy foods, picking apples off the tree and the parts of an apple.  When you pick an apple from a tree, you know it is an apple.  It looks like an apple.  It has an apple peel.  Its flesh is apple.  If you plant a seed from its core, an apple tree will grow.  Although it has three parts, you know you do not have three apples. Just one apple.  This is like God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  There are three persons. But there is only one true God.

The class also got to see that there is a star in every apple! They also had apples for snack.  

In art they used an apple as a stamp.

A new felt board was introduced with a silly worm that hides in an apple.

September 14

The class listened to "The Happy Egg" at circle time.  They made a friendship painting.  One friend used blue to paint with golf balls and the other used red.

The class was introduced to felt board games.  The class learns colors while searching for a mouse.  The words that we say each turn are:

"Little Mouse, Little Mouse

Playing hide and seek

Behind which house?

Let's take a peek."

This was a big hit with the class. We will continue to do more.

They also had music today.

September 12

Picture Day was a success!  Looking forward to seeing all the adorable pictures.

The class got to see a picture of a classmates new baby brother.  

At circle time the class listened to "The day the crayons quit."  We played the ice cream scoop sharing game and did two bean bag activities.

September 7

Friends was the topic today.  At circle time the class listened to "Little Quack Makes a Friend".   The class got to use their  watercolors in art.  They made a friend banner that can be seen in the hallway.  "Jungle Chase" was the movement- they really liked this one!  Ask them what they saw at the end of the chase.

Today the class met Mrs. Gorr.  She will come to the classroom for Music class each Thursday.  They did the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Teddy Bear Dance, Open Shut them, Dinosaur Stomp, The Freeze Dance and B-I-N-G-O. 

September 5

They were AWESOME!  The class is really getting use to the schedule of preschool.  At circle time the class listened to a story about a patchwork elephant, named Elmer.  The class made their own Elmer the elephants.  So cute!  They did the Hokey Pokey, If your happy and you know it and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  The class got to enjoy the sun while on the playground and use sidewalk chalk too.

August 31

First Day!  The class had the chance to play with all that preschool has to offer.  They were also learning the schedule for each day.  Play-Doh, coloring, building blocks and the kitchen were some of the things that they could play with.  "The Night Before Preschool" was the book read at circle time.  We did some super fun movements on the CleverTouch board- lots of giggles :)