Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Google Classroom
sw plus the student's ID number (lunch number)
Ex: sw123456
Password is date of birth mmddyyyy
Ex: Student born December 31, 1991 their password is 12311991
Student Gmail
student's ID number (lunch number)
Password is date of birth mmddyyyy
Ex: Student born December 31, 1991 their password is 12311991
PHONES/TABLETS: If you can not add a Google Classroom or you do not see your Google Classrooms -Click HERE
Tips for Success
Tips for Success
Complete the tours that pop up for you when you first start. Use the BACK arrow when you need to!
Complete the tours that pop up for you when you first start. Use the BACK arrow when you need to!
Once you get to Google Classroom, Go to the CLASSWORK tab to view your assignments.
Once you get to Google Classroom, Go to the CLASSWORK tab to view your assignments.
Use the VIEW YOUR WORK under CLASSWORK to see what you have turned in and what you need to do.
Use the VIEW YOUR WORK under CLASSWORK to see what you have turned in and what you need to do.
Too many emails? Phone blowing up? Control your notifications under settings. Click HERE to see how.
Too many emails? Phone blowing up? Control your notifications under settings. Click HERE to see how.
Google Classroom On Phones & Tablets
Google Classroom On Phones & Tablets
Look at the cool things you can do when you use the app on your phone!
Look at the cool things you can do when you use the app on your phone!
Switching between Google accounts on your phone
*If you are on a mobile device and you can not add a Google Classroom or you do not see your Google Classrooms -Click HERE