Career and College Readiness

Career Resources

American Society for Civil Engineers  (4th through 6th Grade) -- This site provides lots of definitions describing architectural structures of buildings, bridges, etc. Great for older students interested in engineering to explore the "why" in how buildings are built. Younger students may have difficulty manuevering several of the games and activities.  Younger students may also struggle with the vocabulary and reading the definitions provided on this site.  

BizKid$  (3rd through 6th Grade) --  This site provides an interactive game that explains business vocabulary in more kid-friendly terms. Students make career decisions to save, earn interest, and move to each level. They are also given advice from other characters in the game. Complexity of the game and vocabulary may be more applicable for older elementary students. 

Career Hangman  (1st through 5th Grade) -- On this site, a student can guess the letters in a hidden word or phrase relating to career education. 

Family Tree of Careers (2nd through 4th Grade) - This printable tree diagram includes places for children to document the careers of various relatives as they conduct an interview with one or more family members. It can be used as a fun, meaningful, and beneficial aspect of the process of children’s exploration of the work world. 

Career Awareness Videos  (K through 5th Grade) -- This site provides a resource of videos and games for elementary students related to all types of jobs in the U.S. 

Continuing Education

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Summer Reading & Writing Skills