
Classroom Expectations & Syllabus

Mrs. Cristi A. Marascio, Facilitator





Authors: Miller & Levine

Publishers: Pearson

Course Description:

In Biology students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; and ecosystems and the environment.




Be Prepared

Be On Time

Be Respectful

Be Productive

Don’t Annoy Marascio

Passes out of class are not given the first and last 10 minutes of class, or

during anytime information is being relayed. Passes are normally only given

when independent and group work is being conducted.


Composition book to be used as an Anchor Book

Grading Procedure:

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see me after school for your

missing assignments. LATE WORK will be accepted at a max 70 for up to the Unit Exam,

after which the assignment will no longer be accepted. If you will are absent on the day a project is due, the project will be counted late unless there are extenuating circumstances. Retesting will be available tests where a score is below 70. Some labs are difficult to make up so an alternative assignment may be assigned.

Your nine weeks grade will be calculated as follows:

Summative grades: 40% (Tests, Projects, Research Papers, Presentations, and Full Lab

Write –ups)

Formative grades:

60% (Quizzes, Class assignments, Home assignments, and Short Labs)

Warm-up activities will be included in the formative grades and may, in some instances, be used for extra credit. There will be various ways of acquiring “extra credit” in this class which include, but are not limited to, extra credit questions on assignments, assignments during a 9-week period, certain warm-ups, etc. As per board policy, a progress report will be given every 3 weeks to let you know how you are doing in class.


Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings 8:10-8:40 am, and Wednesday 4:30-5:00 pm. If you need help on another day please make an appointment with me or I will find another approved tutor for you.

PBL Requirements:

Each group will be required to present solutions to their problems using the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning format that will be backed up with well organized data gathered with sound scientific methods.

Conference Period:

3th period Green Days

Room C141

Phone: (210)622-4810

Text/Voicemail (210) 728-6357

Student Name (Print)____________________________________________________

Student Signature _____________________________________ Date _____________

Your signature indicates that you have read and understand this information. As the year progresses, there may be some changes or additions to this syllabus. You will be informed of this in a timely manner. Biology can be a difficult science course if you do not study your notes and keep up with your work. I am providing a spiral notebook strictly for notes: this helps you with your organizational skills and makes studying easier. We will be using the Cornell note-taking method that will help you stay more organized and will provide you with a better tool for studying. I will be available to assist you, but you must make every effort to do your part - otherwise, you will fall behind and passing Biology becomes more difficult. If we work together, I see no reason why you cannot be successful in this course.

Parents, please feel free to call me during my conference period. If I can help you in some way, do not hesitate to call. I am looking forward to having your son/daughter in my class. I hope that we can work together to help your child to be successful not only in my class but in all of their classes. My goal is to prepare my students for the next grade level and for college by giving them a variety of skills necessary to help them to develop into productive young adults. I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive school year.