Group E


E1. Parent and Community Engagement Criterion The school leadership employs a wide range of strategies to encourage family and community involvement, especially with the learning/teaching process. 

E1. Prompt: Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the criterion and each of the above indicators; include supporting evidence. 

E1.1. Parent Engagement: The school implements strategies and processes for the regular involvement of all stakeholder support groups in the learning and teaching process for all students. 

E.1 Parent and Community Engagement Criterion

E2. School Culture and Environment Criterion The school leadership focuses on continuous school improvement by providing a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning and developing a culture that is characterized by trust, professionalism, and high expectations for all students. 

E2. Prompt: Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the criterion and each of the above indicators; include supporting evidence. 

E2.1. Safe, Clean, and Orderly Environment: The school has existing policies and regulations and uses its resources to ensure a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning, including internet safety and Uniform Complaint Procedures 

E2.2. High Expectations/Concern for Students: The school culture demonstrates caring, concern, and high expectations for students in an environment that honors individual differences, social emotional needs, and is conducive to learning. 

E2.3. Atmosphere of Trust, Respect, and Professionalism: The entire school community has an atmosphere of trust, respect, and professionalism. 

E.2 School Culture and Environment Criterion

E3. Personal, Social-Emotional, and Academic Student Support Criterion All students receive appropriate academic, social-emotional and multi-tiered supports to help ensure student learning, college and career readiness and success. Students with special talents and/or needs have access to a system of personal support services, activities, and opportunities at the school and in the community. 

E3. Prompt: Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the criterion and each of the above indicators; include supporting evidence. 

E3.1. Academic Support Strategies for Students: School leadership develop and implement strategies and personalized, multi-tiered support approaches to meet academic student needs. 

E3.2. Multi-Tiered Support Strategies for Students: School leadership develop and implement alternative instructional options and personalized, multi-tiered approaches to student support focused on learning and social emotional needs of students. 

E3.3. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Impact on Student Learning and Well-Being: The school leadership and staff assess the effectiveness of the multi-tiered support system and its impact on student success and achievement. 

E3.4. Co-Curricular Activities: The school ensures there is a high level of student involvement in curricular and co-curricular activities that link to schoolwide learner outcomes, academic standards, and college- and career-readiness standards. 

E.3 Personal, Social-Emotional, and Academic Student Support Criterion