Professional Development/Distance Learning

For specific professional development support, please submit a request using the link below

A Teacher's Guide To Distance Learning

Teacher's Guide to distance learning.pdf

8 Questions To Guide Your Work

  1. What systems and supports do you need to provide to ensure all students have equitable access to learning?
  2. How will you organize your materials?
  3. How will you build and uphold a productive culture for online learning?
  4. How will you communicate with students?
  5. How will you introduce new content to students?
  6. How will your students engage in the learning activities?
  7. How can you check that students are actually learning?
  8. What can you do if some of your students are struggling with this form of learning?

Sample Lessons on for each of the platforms below.

Sample Lessons

  1. Sample Lesson using OneNote (Science)
  2. Sample Lesson using Google Classroom
  3. Sample Lesson using Canvas
  4. Sample Lesson using Jupiter Grades
  5. Sample Lesson using Zoom