7th Graders
Please follow the following registration steps
STEP 1: School of Residency
In order to begin the registration process your son or daughter must live within our school boundaries. To verify if Eastlake Middle School is your school of residency, please verify your address by clicking on School Locator:
STEP 2: Immunizations
Please upload a copy of your student's immunization record as it is not electronically transferred and this English Over-The-Counter Medication Form, Spanish Over-The-Counter Medication Form
to our school nurse:
Upload Immunization Record and Over-The-Counter Medication Form - Click Here
TDAP Booster is required for 7th grade! Please note, this is different than the DTAP series received in early childhood.
The link below is a guide for required immunizations:
EastLake Middle Parent Guide to Immunizations
STEP 3: Please fill out and submit New Student Form and upload the affidavit form and utility bill
A. Pre-Registration Form – Click here
B. Affidavit – English Click Here, Spanish Click Here
C. Proof of Residency Acceptable Documents
All Utility bills must be dated within 60 days of statement date
· Utility Bill: Gas & Electric, Water, Cable TV, Internet, Trash or Sewer
· Verification of Social Services
· Lease Agreement/Rental Contract with Letterhead of the complex, business card from apartment manager and a current rental receipt
· Pay Stub
All Utility bills must be dated within 60 days of enrollment/statement date
Upload Affidavit Form & Proof of Residency - Click Here
STEP 4: Course Selection
Welcome to EastLake Middle School. It is time to select your courses for 7th or 8th grade. Please click the appropriate 7th or 8th grade link below and fill out the form to select your classes. Many of our elective classes are full, so please consider including a Visual and Performing Art classes such as Strings, Band, Choir, and/or Arts and Crafts as one of your top 5 choices. You will also indicate whether your child is requesting the Dual Immersion Program and Advanced Math courses.
7th Grade Course Selection Form: Click Here
8th Grade Course Selection Form: Click Here
STEP 5: Online Registration – Campus Portal
Our online system to register students is called the “Campus Portal”. Using the instructions provided to you by our Registrar, log in, review and make any necessary changes then SUBMIT your application. ONE Registration Application per Family.
Link to Campus Portal Click Here
Joint Residency
Please contact School Registrar, Mrs. Laura McGough at