Reading Space

ACCELERATED READER-To take AR quizzes, find your reading level, and check the progress to your AR Goal. 

AR BOOKFIND-To find AR book level and simple introduction about the book.

SORA- students and staff now have accounts with Sora, an e-Book app where you can find great books to read.  Our school will have our own e-book collection, but as a Sweetwater student you also have access to check out e-books from the San Diego County Library!   

PROJECT GUTENBERG E eBOOKS-the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks.  The mission of Project Gutenberg is simple: To encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks.    

OPEN is an online California State Library run by the non-profit Internet Archive which enables patrons to browse and checkout millions of digital books using their computers and mobile devices. The service is provided for the public good and is available to patrons free of charge and ad-free. On, your account is your library card and a valid email address is all that's needed to get started. 

EBSCOHOST eBook Collection-SUHSD online database eBook collection