Week of March 10, 2025


Every day is a GREAT day to be a Lancer!


New Principal's Weekly 

"What's Happening" Video Log

Lancers, view our weekly "What's Happening Lancers" video from yours truly!  Designed so that all students, parents, staff can stay "in the know" with all Hilltop High happenings!  Special cameo appearances too!  Here is the link for this week:

What's Happening Lancers! Video <<Here>> 


FLAGS Multi-Cultural FAIR - March 18 @lunch (extended) 

ASB Brief

Information and reminders from the Associated Student Body. 

Interested in being an Associated Student Body Regent? 

Give back and make a difference! 

Every LANCER is a member of the Hilltop High Associated Student Body.  Starting NOW, we are looking for students to represent and serve our Hilltop student body community as ASB Regents for the 2025-2026 school year. 

If you are passionate, motivated, and ready to make an impact —then we want YOU!  Whether you’re outgoing and love planning events, or you prefer to work behind the scenes to make sure things run smoothly, there’s a place for you in ASB!

ASB Regents are self-starters, service-oriented individuals who seek to provide an engaging, inclusive and spirited campus culture and experience for the student body. 

We are looking for students with a variety of skill sets, ideas and motivation.    

If this description fits you then please consider applying to be an ASB Regent. The application portal opens March 7.  Please see Mrs. Minjares at lunch and nutrition break to let her know you are interested.  

ASB Regent positions include, Art, Athletics, Activities/Pep, Finance, Sales and Marketing and Technology.  Share your skill sets and interests and see where these can be a fit to give back to our Lancer Community.  Watch your Jupiter emails for information on each of the positions as well as the timeline and qualifications to apply.   

Congratulations to our newly elected 2025-2026 ASB Officers:

Sebastian Garces (President), Aaron Diego (VP), Erik Nealson (Secretary) 


Yearbooks are still on sale for $85, but the price will be going up on April 7.  Buy yours today with cash at the ASB or online with Josten's.  

YEARBOOK SalesThe yearbook staff is working hard to capture the events, activities and memories of this school year.  You can purchase your yearbook at the ASB with cash or skip the lines and order online directly from Jostens. Place your order for the yearbook at, or, or by calling 1-877-767-5217.   From now until the end of the year take advantage of the free 3 month payment plan.   This is one you won’t want to miss!

March is is National Women’s History Month and Arts Education Month in California/Youth Art Month 


Check this link regularly for additional information and revisions. 

PROM April 19, 2025

PROM tickets will be going on sale March 10.  In order to purchase PROM tickets seniors must be in good standing and not be on the non-privilege list. The Prom Contract will be coming out sometime during the week of March 3.   Stop by the ASB to pick one up.  Tickets will be on sale starting March 10 at lunch.  Ticket prices the week of March 10 - 14 will be $85, March 17 - 21 will be $95, Beginning April 7 - 16 the cost will be $105.  Guest price is $105 regardless of when the ticket is purchased. The last day to buy tickets is April 16 at lunch.

GRAD NITE Tickets are no longer available.  Seniors attending please remember to stay in good standing and watch your attendance and tardies.  Information about GRAD NITE will be emailed via Jupiter closer to the event.  

CLASS OF 2025 T-shirts fundraiser

If you didn't pre-order a shirt and want one, the Class of 2025 will make another order as soon as they get at least 18 more students to purchase.  Go to to the ASB to place your order.  See Mrs. Nascimento if you have any questions. 

GRADUATION for the Class of 2025

Wednesday, June 4 at 3:00 pm


The deadline to order your cap and gown in time for graduation is March 21.  

Hilltop High Stoles are now available.  Deadline to order is March 21.  

Please visit the Josten's Hilltop High School landing page by following the links below to place your order today! 

Our Jostens Representative, Michael Petrella, would like to thank all the Seniors and their families who have already placed their graduation order! Questions? Please contact Michael at


Congratulations Class of 2025!


PARENTS - only the CAP and GOWN is required.  Please click below to order.


Cap and Gown Unit (Cap, gown and tassel included):

Graduation Packages:


Class Jewelry:


Letterman Jackets:


GRADUATION STOLES are now available

Class of 2025 - thanks for your patience as our new grad company, Josten's, now has graduation stoles available on the website for purchase.  When you go to the link, the actual photo of the stole is not available and in its place is a "sample image" gold stole.  Here is what the stole will look like on the right.  Please go to this link to order.

Registration Flyer AM 2025.pdf

Counselors Corner

Community Service Opportunities

Process for completing hours




A message from your Athletic Director, Bryan Wagner

Spring sports are in full swing! Home games and contests include boys volleyball, baseball, track and field, boys golf and tennis, softball, girls and boys lacrosse. Off-site matches would love spectators too such as beach volleyball, swim and dive, and boys golf.   Check out the calendar for days and times. Come out and support!

Spring Sports Participation and Clearances 

 The last week to clear is February 24 - 28, 2025

LANCER ATHLETES! Get cleared for Spring Sports!

Swim & Dive
Beach Volleyball
Girls & Boys Lacrosse
Boys Golf
Boys Tennis
Track & Field
Boys Volleyball

SPRING SPORTS Tryouts have been concluded
You will need a current physical (the physical is good for 1 year) and proof of insurance. Both of these will need to be uploaded to complete the registration process.
Physical form to be filled out by a clinic and signed by a doctor.
If you have previously played a sport, all you need to do is change sport on your profile.
Attached to this message
1. Copy of the physical form
2. Link to register your Athlete:
3. Instructions on how to register
**If you are registering as a manager, you do not need a physical - however you will need to upload a blank document to complete the registration process
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you.


Athletic Clearance Instructions.pdf

Sports Physical Form and Risk Assessment.pdf

Home Campus

Join us as a spectator and cheer on our Lancers.

Which sporting events require tickets for purchase for spring sports?

Boys Volleyball

Metro Conf. ticket sales for LEAGUE contests begin April 2, 2025


$5.00 Adults $3.00 Children under 12/Seniors 

Before/Afterschool Program




HTV Episodes

HTV Coming SOON!!!!




Parents:  If your child is going to be absent, please call to report the absence everyday they're not at school.  (619) 476-4204 

Leave a voicemail with student's information: 

*Please note, voicemails will be listened to daily, by the end of the day. It may take us 2-3 days to clear their absence in the system. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Just a reminder, to clear absences that are more than 30 calendar days, you will need to attend Saturday School. Student's and Parent's can check attendance through Infinite Campus.

Students:  We will be asking you to reflect on your potential success this year and how the first step of success is SHOWING UP!

Make a commitment to yourself that you will attend at least 95% of school this year.  You can do this Lancers!

Attendance Updates

Non-Privilege List

Hello Lancers!

Here is the link for your weekly attendance report:

Please take a look at the weekly attendance report. Students whose TOTAL column is highlighted red are on the Non-Privilege list and should attend Saturday School and/or After School Detention to clear their attendance ASAP.

If your ID number does not show on the weekly attendance report, do not worry! You have not accumulated and unexcused absences or tardies so far this semester.

Here is a basic rundown of the Non-Privilege list:


Having 10 or more unexcused absences and tardies combine (total) will place you on the non-privilege list. To attend extracurricular activities (homecoming, prom, Gradnite, etc), you MUST be OFF of the non-privilege list. You may clear your absences and tardies to be removed from the list. The non-privilege list carries over from first into second semester.

Our first Saturday School is this Saturday, 8/17/24, from 8-12PM. Please see the attached Saturday School Schedule for more information.

After school detention is held Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3:45PM to 4:21PM in room 1459.

Attendance Clearance Reminders

*Teachers are the only ones who can change a mismarked period. See your teacher for an attendance period change form.

*Parents/ Guardians have 30 calendar days to excuse an absence.

*After 30 days, in order to clear absences, you must attend Saturday School (clears 6 period absences).

*To clear tardies, you can attend Saturday School (clears 12 tardies) or After School Detention (clears 2 tardies).

See Mrs. Van in room 1459 at lunch if you have any questions.

Tori Van Nostrand Desilva

Attendance Coordinator 

Tardy Sweeps

Hilltop Students and Parents,

The 2024-2025 school year is officially underway and student attendance continues to be an area of concern for both parents and staff. Improving attendance is a school wide goal as attendance plays a key role in student success. Therefore, we will be conducting tardy sweeps to encourage students to get to class on time. The process of a tardy sweep is as follows:

•Students and staff will hear music being played over the P.A. system, indicating that a tardy sweep is taking place.

•Students will have the 6-minute passing period to arrive to their next class on time.

•Once the second bell rings, signifying the end of passing period, teachers will lock their classroom doors.

•All students still outside of their classrooms will report to the main quad area to receive their tardy slip, and will be issued after school detention.

•After school detention will be held in room 1459 from 3:45PM - 4:21PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you for your continued involvement and support.

Tori Van Nostrand Desilva

Attendance Coordinator 

Would you like to meet with your child's teacher?

Email teachers and give at least a 48-hours for a response.

Do not show up without an appointment. Thanks!

Message from our Nurse

The California Department of Public Health has announced that we will be moving to a symptom-based COVID-19 protocol at all K-12 schools. The CDPH has not yet published new guidance though we are expecting this change to be made soon! For now, we will continue to follow the COVID-19 decision tree protocol that was updated on July 12, 2024. You can access that decision tree by clicking the COVID sticker to the left.

 COVID-19 tests and face masks are available in the health office upon student/staff request. Please remember to practice proper hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing etiquette, and general mindfulness if you are feeling unwell. 

I am always available as a resource to answer questions and help however I can to support the health of our students, staff, and HTH families!

COVID-19-Decision-Table 7-12-24.pdf

UPDATES Coming Soon!




Monthly Distributions | Drive-thru or Walk-Up

For the safety of our community and staff, attendees must wear a face mask or covering.

We recommend bringing a bag or box to take home items.

Every Third Wednesday

Montgomery Middle School: 1 - 3 p.m.

1051 Picador Blvd, San Diego, CA 92154

Castle Park Middle School: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

160 Quintard Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911

Chula Vista Middle School: 4 - 6 p.m.

415 5th Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Every Third Thursday

National City Middle School: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

1701 D Ave, National City, CA 91950

Must be at least 16 years old,

in need of food

(no proof required) and present during distribution.Food items available until supplies last.


Distribución Mensual | En Carro o Caminando

Para la seguridad de nuestro personal y la comunidad, los participantes deben usarcubrebocas.

Le recomendamos traer una caja o bolsa para llevar sus despensa.

Cada Tercer Miércoles del Mes

Montgomery Middle School: 1 - 3 p.m.

1051 Picador Blvd, San Diego, CA 92154

Castle Park Middle School: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

160 Quintard Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911

Chula Vista Middle School: 4 - 6 p.m.

415 5th Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Cada Tercer Jueves del Mes

National City Middle School: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

1701 D Ave, National City, CA 91950

Debe tener al menos 16 años de edad,

necesitar alimentos (sin pruebarequerida) y estar presente durante la distribución. La despensa estádisponible hasta que agotemos la reserva existente.

Three weeks into SBCS – City of Chula Vista Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), applications are still being accepted. 

We encourage families and individuals financially impacted by COVID-19 to apply soon as funds will be delivered on a first-come, first-served basis 

Step-by-step tutorial videos are available to guide tenants and landlords through completing the online application. 

The work of partners Chula Vista Community Collaborative, San Ysidro Health, Scripps Health, MAAC, Family Health Centers of San Diego and The San Diego LGBT Community Center remains critical to strengthening these vulnerable residents. 

Alma Mater of Hilltop HS

All Hail to alma Mater!

All Hail to Hilltop High!

The spirit of the westland

Where our fond mem'ries lie;

Thy guardian is the mountain

Beside the Sil'vry sea;

We love thee alma Mater,

All hail, all hail to thee!