**All students MUST comply with clearing residency and immunizations prior to starting the school year. 

**INTRA/INTER District Transfers: 

Students who request Intra/Inter district transfers MUST meet the following requirements to remain an ELH student:

1. Minimum 2.0 scholarship GPA at the grading periods

2. Minimum 2.0 citizenship GPA at the grading periods

3. Excellent attendance

4. No behavioral offenses, no suspendable offenses

**The APs office will send group notifications to families as reminders and will send notifications to families who do not meet the requirements. Families will have their transfer revoked at the year's end and must enroll at their home schools.


&  2024-2025

New Students include students who left ELH for an alternative program, approved district transfers, and students from another state or country.