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4 tips for Distance Learning

Tip # 1 : This is Temporary

Remind your kids (and yourself) to show grace, patience and understanding with each other. This is a stressful situation for everyone and we all understand that. It will take time to get used to the changes. This is all new and we are going to get through this together.

Tip #2 : Review School Plans

Take the time to review plans sent out by your School or District. You can find information from Sweetwater HERE. Take the time to download and bookmark any websites or applications your students will need. Write down logins and passwords in a safe place in case your student forgets.

Tip #3 : Create A Schedule and Calendar

No one expects teens to be working for the equivalent of a traditional school day. Plan for breaks and flexibility but a consistent schedule will help students develop a routine and create a sense of normalcy. Google offers a very useful calendar (or use your favorite). Help your teen set one up and create alerts and reminders to help them feel organized. Help them find a consistent workspace with all their materials nearby. Minimize distractions as much as possible under the circumstances.

Tip # 4 : Figure out what you will need

  • Do you need to bookmark certain sites? Download or install apps or log in or create accounts?

  • Do you need to figure out how to connect or join anything? Figure it out before you actually have to do it.

  • Will you need specific equipment? Assemble it beforehand (headphones, microphones, textbooks, pen and paper etc.)