COVID & Symptom information

COVID testing is recommended for one or any of the symptoms combined together: 

Headache, Fever or Chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (unless it is asthma related and documented with the school nurse), Congestion or runny nose, Nausea, Vomiting, Sore Throat, Diarrhea, Loss of taste or smell, Body aches, Extreme fatigue

COVID testing kits were given to students before Spring Break. Another set of kits will be given the 3rd week in April. If you need an extra test, please stop by the main office and pick one up.  

Currently, as of February 2023, we no longer have to report cases to the nurse. Families can contact the attendance office and provide the dates that a student was out for COVID-19. Please follow the information listed below. 

Email the attendance office at 

AND include the following information: 

§ Student’s First and Last Name

§ Date of birth or Student I.D. Number

§ Date(s) of absence(s)

§ Reason for absence(s)

§ Parent/Guardian Name reporting the absence

§ Guardian Phone Number

§ Email should be from the parent’s registered email, 

§ A parent signature if using a hand-written note

COVID Related Student Info Sheet.docx.pdf