Notes from the Editor

Dear Readers, 

Happy April!

We are currently reverting back to our old newsletter format as we sort out a few technical difficulties but we will return back to MailChimp soon! We have a few exciting things going on this month, such as our open Communications Chair SCE SWE Executive Position, our Q2 member meeting and more!

Check out more information below!

Until next time,

Ashley de Kort

March/April Updates

Our new Website is here!

The new Coastal Empire SWE website is now up and running. Make sure to check it out for all of our up-to-date events, volunteer opportunities and to learn more about SCE SWE! 

Want to provide feedback? Feel free to email us at

Click the link below to check it out!

Upcoming Events & Activities

Become a SWE Officer!

SWE is looking for a Communications Chair to oversee all SWE social media platforms and mail chimp! If interested, please reach out to

Check out our Officer Rule Description in the link below for more information! 

Q2 2024 Member Meeting

Please join us for our Quarter 2 SWE Member Meeting and the launch of our first SWE Lean in Circle Group! 

Lean in Circles are small groups of peers who meet regularly to learn and grow together! Lean in Circle Groups provide support and encouragement, peer to peer mentorship, networking opportunities, skill building opportunities and personal growth. To learn more about Lean in Circles visit their website here


Who: SWE Members and anyone interested in joining SWE!

Where: Java Burrito Company

Address: 420 E Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401

When: May 9th, 2024, at 6pm

Register through the link below!

SAT Preparation 

EZ as PI tutoring business is providing SAT preparation! They are available to assist to those who are interested in receiving assistance with preparation strategies and tips for the SAT exam.

For more information, please contact Chante and Corey Frazier at 912-323-7111 or email them at

Check out their website below!

SWE Outreach Volunteer Sign Up

Interested in becoming an active volunteer for SWE? Want to stay up to date with all of our upcoming outreach events? 

Good News! We have a registration form for all volunteers who would like to receive emails for all of our volunteer opportunities. 

Please email if you would like to volunteer for any or all events or sign up using the button below!

SWE Outreach Event Request Form

We now have a SWE Outreach Event Request form available to those who would like to work with us and have our support in your event! 

Please click the button below to fill out the form or email 

Become part of the largest community of women in engineering and technology!

Women in engineering face unique challenges in the workplace and often find that they don’t have many other female colleagues to relate to. The members of Society of Women Engineers, Savannah Coastal Empire have found a community of like-minded women in a society that is 42,000+ strong.


Through SWE membership, women in engineering will advance in their careers and connect with the world’s largest network of women in engineering and their allies. Visit to explore more about SWE and join or renew today.

For assistance or more information, contact us at

Would you like to be a part of our Newsletter mailing list ? 

Connect with us!

Contact Us Here