Southridge Middle School Robotics Club

This is the website for the Southridge Middle School Robotics Club. We are located at Southridge Middle School in Huntingburg, IN. The robotics club designs, builds, and competes with a wide variety of robots in various competitions throughout the state. We use Lego EV3, VEX IQ, and SeaPerch robots. While students in the club do enjoy building and programming robots, the focus of the club is not to just build and design robots; instead, the focus of the club is to provide students with a great opportunity to learn about problems facing real world scientists and to come up with creative solutions to those problems. Feel free to explore our website to find out any information you would like to know about our club. If you have any questions about the club, or about joining at the start of the school year, use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Southridge Middle School

Every Student, Every Day