Preschool Registration

The South-Western City School District Preschool Program has center-based preschool classrooms, head start inclusion classrooms, and provides itinerant services. Our center-based preschool programs are designed to provide early intervention for children between the ages of 3-5 years who are identified as special needs and/or preschoolers who are typically developing (peer models).

To learn if your child will qualify for the SWCSD Preschool Program please visit the SWCSD Preschool Program website by clicking HERE. After visiting the website to learn more information, contact the Preschool Center using the information below. If your child qualifies for the program you should then use the link under step 2 to complete an online registration.


Step 1: Contact the Preschool Center to Learn if Your Child Qualifies for Preschool Services


  • Preschool Center Secretary - Special Education: Cindy Higgins

  • Preschool Center Secretary (PM) - Peer Model: Karie Beard

  • Main Preschool Email:


  • Preschool Center Office Phone - Special Education: 614-801-8448

  • Preschool Phone - Peer Model Students: 614-801-8225

Step 2: After Verifying if your child qualifies for Pre-School Services click HERE to begin the Pre-School Enrollment Process