
Your time is valuable – to us and to you! FoB volunteering is flexible: we welcome your help at every event and meeting, or at just one or two. Whatever time you can offer, we can fill – and we provide lots of guidance in every role.

Please drop us a line at friends@swbgs.com to sign up to help at FoB events, or to join the Second-Hand Uniform Sales Team.

Friends of Borlase Fundraisers

We generally hold a major FoB event each school term. We recently held our fifth Comedy Night fundraiser in partnership with Laughing Chili Entertainment and are planning another for Autumn Term 2024! 


Past FoB events have included black-tie galas complete with dinner, dancing, live music, and auctions.  Our spectacular Venetian Masquerade Ball in February 2023 raised £25,700+ for the Borlase 400 Campaign!

Friends Bar at School Performances

Borlase is fortunate to have a vibrant performing arts program and we support many of the performances with our Friends Bar service. 


FoB volunteers serve wine, beer, spirits, soft drinks, and snacks before the show and during the interval. Teams of three or four FoB volunteers set up at approximately 18:00, serve, and then clear up, usually by 22:00. These evenings fly by as we raise funds for the school. Plus: volunteers can see much of these performances for free!

Second-Hand Uniform Sales

FoB volunteers organize ongoing sales of second-hand uniform and PE kit items – a smart, sustainable practise that helps Borlase parents save money and helps FoB raise money! Donated items are carefully examined, cleaned where needed, and sorted for sale at the end of every half term.


This FoB team also works closely with sixth-form students who manage Lost Property items! The LP storage – upstairs of the old gym next to the music rooms – is open  Wednesdays from 1:40–2:30pm  for students to retrieve their belongings. 

Borlase Hockey & Borlase Rowing Fundraising

The Friends of Borlase Hockey and Borlase Rowing are two separate and distinct charities that operate alongside our own FoB group. Funding for each of these sporting clubs is paid by individual parent subscriptions and their own additional fundraising and social events. All monies they raise go to support their own clubs only. 

However, FoB has a wider remit to support the school in any way we can and we’re delighted to collaborate with both these sporting charities as requested.