2024 preparatory work

Preparing for Borlase

It is important that all students are confident that they can make an effective, purposeful start to their A level courses in September 2024.  All departments have been asked to outline preparatory work that students should complete over the summer.

Preparatory work

Buy the textbook, visit the Edexcel website and look at the syllabus: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/economics-a-2015.html

Get informed! Wider reading, listening and viewing recommendations:

Newspapers/Magazines: Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, Guardian, Observer, Daily Telegraph, Economist

TV, Radio, podcasts: Newsnight, Economics 101, Pop-Up Economics, Economics with Subtitles, More or Less, The Bottom Line, Business Weekly


TED Talks

Summer projects:

Get into the habit of, or continue to, following the business news


Radio & TV reports



Then, if you’re convinced that you’d like to pursue A Level Economics, hand in a sheet of paper with the following title:

“2 economics questions I am going to ask my teacher in September”

Think carefully about these. Don’t write them out until the end of the summer after you have done your research and other work. Leave space under each question for your teacher to write his/her answer.

Resources to obtain

Textbook: Edexcel A Level Economics. Peter Smith ISBN 978-1510449596 

Recommended reading lists for A Level Economists:

