This page provides information about all local PA Elections happening this November. We have included all federal and state positions and all candidates. Links to their websites and more specific information can be found in each section. We encourage you to explore each candidate's website and platforms to make an informed decision in the 2024 Election on November 5th.
Some candidates may not have links to some pages. This is because that information does not have a specific link and/or could be on the home page, so make sure to closely examine each site to gather all information.
If there are candidates with no links, this means we could not find a link or information about them. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Quick Navigation to What's on the Ballot
Each dropdown box below has information on the candidates running for each position.
Pennsylvania US Senator (Federal Congress)
Candidates & Platforms
Hussein Tartour-Aguirre (Independent)
Cory Widmann (R, Write-in)
Pennsylvania US Representative District 5 (Federal Congress)
PA Attorney General
Candidates & Platforms
Justin Magill (Constitution Party)
The above link is to Weiss's X Account
PA Auditor General
Candidates & Platforms
Eric Anton (American Solidarity Party)
Alan Goodrich (Constitution Party)
PA State Treasurer
Candidates & Platforms
Troy Bowman (Constitution Party)