Health Class

1st Grade - Personal & Family Health

  • Recognizing feelings of belonging
  • Understanding that families are special and different in their own ways
  • Understanding how friends help you be healthy
  • Understanding different feelings
  • Listening to others
  • Washing hands to be healthy
  • Choosing clothing to protect yourself from weather
  • Getting plenty of sleep

Safety & Injury Prevention

  • Identifying feeling safe
  • Accessing people who can help you stay safe
  • Walking safely
  • Crossing the street safely
  • Planning a safe route
  • Understanding passenger safety
  • Advocating for passenger safety
  • Thinking ahead to prevent fires
  • Demonstrating proper school fire drill procedure
  • Demonstrating safe actions during a fire
  • Calling for emergency help

Nutrition & Physical Activity

  • Drinking water to be healthy
  • Pledging to drink more water
  • Understanding the importance of breakfast
  • Identifying healthy breakfast foods
  • Choosing healthy breakfast foods
  • Pledging to eat a healthy breakfast daily
  • Knowing and liking your body
  • Moving your body to be healthy
  • Pledging to move more

Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention

  • Understanding the negative outcomes of smoking
  • Understanding dangers of secondhand smoke
  • Identifying why people start smoking tobacco
  • Choosing to be tobacco free
  • Identifying personal reasons for being tobacco free
  • Advocating to be tobacco free
  • Exploring family desires about being tobacco free

Bullying Program

2nd grade Health

Personal & Family Health

  • Living in a growing and changing family
  • Understanding that families are special and different in their own ways
  • Analyzing families on TV
  • Recognizing that families can help their members be healthy
  • Choosing healthy role models
  • Identifying troublesome feelings
  • Getting help with troublesome feelings
  • Understanding a growing and changing body
  • Preventing colds
  • Washing hands to be healthy
  • Preventing cuts and burns
  • Treating cuts and burns

Safety Injury & Prevention

  • Identifying safe people, places and things
  • Choosing to be smart and safe
  • Being safe on the street
  • Advocating for safe behaviors
  • Being safe as a passenger
  • Understanding how strong emotions can influence safety choices
  • Being safe when home alone
  • Being safe around water
  • Being safe on a bike
  • Making Bike Smart decisions
  • Expressing intentions to be safe

Nutrition & Physical Activity

  • Drinking plenty of water every day
  • Advocating for others to drink water
  • Eating breakfast every day
  • Setting a goal to eat healthy breakfast foods
  • Choosing fruits and vegetables as healthy snacks
  • Setting a goal to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day
  • Celebrating your body
  • Setting a goal to exercise and stretch every day

Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention

  • Understanding dangers of all forms of tobacco
  • Understanding addiction
  • Dealing with tobacco use by family
  • Choosing to be tobacco free
  • Getting support for being tobacco free