Reading Support at Home

Students should be reading at home every day to continue strengthening their reading skills. It is so important for students to have many opportunities to apply the reading strategies and skills they are learning in school.

Reading Tips:

  • Students benefit from reading many types of texts such as magazines, chapter books, picture books, newspapers and recipes.
  • Students are not just encouraged to read independently, but also to read to someone or listen to reading.
  • It is essential for students to be reading "Good Fit" books when practicing independently. A "Good Fit" book means a text that students can read fluently and understand easily. Reading a book that is too difficult can discourage a child and impede his/her comprehension.
  • Check in with your child as they read. Have them stop every few pages and share with you what they have read. This will help to determine if they are comprehending the text. Talking about what they read and sharing their thinking develops a love a books!