Reader's Workshop

What is Reader's Workshop?

Reader’s workshop is a teaching model which allows students to engage in authentic reading experiences. It is an effective way to differentiate instruction. Workshops may vary in length and include time for teaching, selecting and reading books, writing about books, and sharing ideas about books with partners or in group discussions.

What does it look like in the classroom?

* Mini-lesson (5 - 10 minutes)

A short lesson focused on an aspect of literature or a reading strategy.

* Independent Reading Time(10 - 15 minutes or more).

The students READ! Each student will try out the mini-lesson in his or her reading. This is where students keep a journal, use the binder, and respond to the literature in terms of what they think or how they feel about what they are reading. The teacher will conference with individual students or small groups.

* Share (5 minutes)

Readers share what strategy they used with a partner and/or whole class as they seek feedback.