
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser!

By Millie, 8th grade 

On April 14, the Spaghetti Dinner took place at Swan River School to raise money for our eighth grade trip and connect with the community. A silent auction and raffle drawing took place at the function. Mrs. Norris and her 8th grade class put on the lovely fundraiser, hoping to make around 2,000 dollars. 

That goal was more than reached, giving us over double the amount raising a total of 5,845 dollars! We couldn't be more grateful to our amazing community for all the support we received during this event.  

While interviewing Mrs. Norris about her feelings going into her first spaghetti dinner as the 8th grade teacher she said, “ I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.” Mrs. Norris also went on to say, “The 8th graders did a wonderful job selling tickets and helping raise money.” 

To help make the spaghetti fundraiser possible, so many local businesses helped by donating a wonderful product or check. Every year, one of the best parts about going out into the community asking for donations is seeing the generosity of the public. Each business was so helpful and kind. A specific donation that was greatly appreciated was all of the spaghetti sauce given by Somers Bay Cafe. The garlic bread donated by Harvest Foods every year is also wonderful! 

While speaking with Braxton, an 8th grade student, he mentioned, “I'm really excited everything's coming together to make our trip perfect.” 

Overall, the spaghetti dinner was a smashing success, which was filled with fun and delicious food. 

Hundreds of items sold and donated at rummage sale  

By Trudee, 8th Grade

This event took place October 8, 2022, and it was run by the 8th grade students.  The rummage sale was on a Saturday, and was open to the public from 8 am-1 pm. There were around 75-100 customers, and  the event raised roughly $2,200.

The eighth grade class continues to grow and participate in fundraisers to learn how to communicate with their community. All money raised helps fund the Eighth Grade History Trip in the spring, when the class will travel around the state. 

All 23 eighth graders participated in this event. Before the sale, they received many generous donations. We sold about half of the donated items. All Items  not sold were donated to a local thrift store. Parents of students helped set up, which took around 5 hours! Parents also helped during the event.

“The overall outcome of this fundraiser was a success, but very enjoyable for students,” commented Amelia. Every eighth grader in the class, teachers, and parents, appreciate the generous donations that our community made. We would especially like to thank Stephanie Tinney for her all her help!