Our Curriculum Approach

At Regis Manor we strive to offer all our children a warm, nurturing and caring environment to stimulate creativity, independence and promote the development of skills, passions and interests.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage children are actively encouraged to independently explore the indoor and outdoor environments in imaginative ways, sparking investigation and interest in the world around them.

What do we do?

We use our children’s interests and next steps to inform our planning for our curriculum and adapt our provision to emphasise this. We deliver our curriculum in this way as research and evidence shows us that the learning experience is enhanced and memorable when related to children’s interests and life experiences. Teachers plan a rich and stimulating range of experiences to promote enthusiasm for learning and children’s ability to co-operate and work harmoniously with their peers.

How do we do this?

Our outside provision is organised to allow flexibility in designing and delivering our provision. There is a focus on providing a range of continuous provision resources to support children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum. This includes a large sand and water play area, construction, mud kitchen, outdoor mark making, maths tuff spots, role play and a range of other areas that can be created matching the current learning. We use our children’s interests and next steps to focus our provision - for instance, we can set up larger physical development areas when needed.

Within our indoor provision we identified learning basic cooking skills and developing a knowledge of foods and recipes is an essential part of early learning. Many of our children enjoy cooking opportunities and the chance to independently use equipment and tools, so we incorporated a cooking area into the indoor provision. Here the children are active in choosing what they would like to cook and understanding what they will need for this. The skills they learn include (but are not limited to) list writing, measuring, health and self-care and where our food comes from.

What areas of development will my child be learning?

This curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning:

● Communication and Language.

● Physical Development.

● Personal, Social, and Emotional Development.

● Literacy.

● Mathematics.

● Understanding the World.

Vocabulary and language development is threaded throughout our Early Years curriculum. We offer opportunities to provide vital experiences for developing the fundamental skills of speaking and listening, recognising and writing letters and words, sorting, matching and counting. In addition, children listen to stories and engage in daily phonics, reading and writing. They learn to write about their own experiences as well as the planned activities.

Daily mathematics sessions enable children to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space. Physical activities promote physical fitness, coordination and enable children to find out how their bodies work. We support and guide alongside the children’s play to scaffold building relationships and allowing them to learn social skills.

What are Characteristics of Effective Learning?

The Characteristics of Effective Learning are behaviours that the children use in order to learn. To have successful and effective learning it must be meaningful for the child so they can use what they have learnt and apply it in new situations. Having these attitudes and abilities will ensure children are strong learners throughout their schooling and will support them in making good progress.

The characteristics are:

  • Playing and Learning- Engagement

Finding out and Exploring

Playing with what they know

Being willing to 'have a go'

  • Active Learning- Motivation

Being involved and concentrating

Keep trying

Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

  • Creative and Critical Thinking- Thinking

Having their own ideas

Making links

Working with ideas

How is my child assessed?

Children’s knowledge of key skills within English, Maths and Communication and Language are screened upon entry to Reception using the Government baseline assessment. Their progress is then tracked throughout the year through an assessment system and the teacher's knowledge.

Every term we send parents information about our learning and curriculum for the current term via our parent app (Weduc).