Online Safety

Keeping Your Child Safe Online

How does online safety affect Early Years pupils?

The internet can be a wonderful thing so it is important that children understand how it can improve their lives and not to be afraid of it. However, technology is easier to use than ever before and is everywhere around us, so it is essential that they also learn potential risks, such as viewing inappropriate material, online bullying, being contacted by strangers or being asked to spend money, and how to deal with them.

We give all parents access to the National Online Safety website, where you will find useful guides to keeping your children safe online. Speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

How to help protect your child online

  • Ensure all devices at home have child-safe filters and passwords, and supervise your children when they are online.

  • Talk to them about potential risks. Make sure they understand they must tell you straight away if they see something that confuses/worries them and not to share any personal information.

  • Ask them for their permission before sharing photos/information about them on social media, so they understand that they have control over their online identity.

  • Be good online role models - show them how to access safe websites and explain what information you are sharing and why.

How we help to keep your children safe online

Protecting your children online is extremely important to us as a school. Here is how we ensure safe internet usage -

  • We use child-safe filters and check all websites before sharing them with children.

  • We supervise children whenever they are online.

  • We ensure children know what to do if they see anything that worries/upsets them, even if it happened at home.

  • We model safe online behaviour when using the internet in front of pupils.