SWAEC State Perkins V Stakeholders Meeting

5/23/19 @SWAEC

Register with Session # 380787:

Please join us to provide input for the Arkansas Department of Education/Arkansas Department of Career Education to advise how Perkins funds are best spent on Career and Technical Programs in our schools to prepare students for the workforce.

Attendance is required for schools to be eligible to receive Perkins funds. Our schools need to gather information from stakeholders to be used to design a consortia/local LEA Perkins Comprehensive Needs Assessment.

The Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment will be used to align the use of Perkins funds for future Perkins projects. Under the new Perkins V regulations, every purchase using Perkins funds will need to align with the consortia or local LEA Perkins Needs Assessment.

How can Business, industry, organizations, & Community Representatives help Our students by attending this meeting?

  • Provide valuable information on required work skills for your industry
  • Help us focus on local workforce & community needs
  • Provide information on job skills & industry certifications to help us update our programs to better prepare students to enter the workforce
  • Advise us on how to best meet the needs of underserved special populations within our Career & Technical Programs


10:00-10:05 - Welcome - Monica Morris & Shannon Puckett, SWAEC Career & Technical Coordinator

10:05-10:20 - Overview of Perkins V Changes - Justin Neel, Arkansas Association for Career & Technical Education President-Elect

10:20-10:30 - Perkins V Update - Arkansas Department of Career Education

10:30-10:40 - Hard Skills for CTE - Leslie Savell, SWAEC/ADE Computer Science Specialist

10:40-10:50 - Break

10:50-11:45 - Discussion of Guiding Questions to Inform the Comprehensive Needs Assessment

11:50-12:00 - Collection of Data for ADE/AR Department of Career Education


Identifying Your School's Perkins Team Members:

Please assemble a Perkins team to bring on May 23 if possible.

Team members may fill multiple Stakeholder Categories.

  • at lest 1 Administrator
  • at least 1 CTE Teacher
  • at least 1 Guidance Counselor
  • at least 1 Parent
  • at least 1 Student
  • at least 1 representative from the other stakeholder categories (see Stakeholder Categories Page)

**Our consortia is required to have at least 2 representatives for each stakeholder category at the Perkins Stakeholder Meeting in order to qualify for funding.


More Information on the Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment:

One of the most significant changes introduced in the Strengthening Career & Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) is the new comprehensive local needs assessment (CLNA). Specifically, the law states: “To be eligible to receive financial assistance under this part, an eligible recipient shall— (A) conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment related to career and technical education and include the results of the needs assessment in the local application submitted under subsection (a); and (B) not less than once every 2 years, update such comprehensive local needs assessment.” The CLNA was modeled after a similar requirement in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The CLNA brings an incredible opportunity to:

 Make certain that programs & programs of study are aligned to & validated by local workforce needs & economic priorities

 Ensure that local Perkins eligible recipients are serving each learner equitably

 Enable eligible recipients to better direct resources towards programs & programs of study leading to high-skill, high-wage & in-demand occupations & activities that address equity & opportunity gaps

 Create a platform for coordinating & streamlining existing program review & school improvement processes to bring focus to strategic decisions;

 Provide a structured way to engage key stakeholders regularly around the quality & impact of local CTE programs and systems.

What school Districts will be represented?

Blevins Fouke Genoa Central Hope Lafayette

Nevada Prescott Spring Hill Texarkana