Grading and Assignments

Students participating in Video Game Design I will be required to complete activities related to computer science and design thinking to receive credit for LE&A activities. LE&A activities will provide the necessary building blocks for students to perform well on end of unit Assessments.

LE&A activities are weighted 30% of final grade.

Assessments are weighted 70% of final grade.

Learning Activities 30% (Daily activities)

Standards based grading scale: 2-10 (including 2 points for a “quality worker”)

The quality worker point will be earned when student work meets the following criteria:

  • Turned in on time

  • Turned in with complete answers

  • Acceptable formatting

  • Completed with neatness allowing for maximum readability

Assessments 70% (Summative assessments) Including both standards-based and growth reflections, each assessment will be 100 points.

The “Growth Reflection Assessment” is an expectation in the assessments category where students will reflect on their own growth and advancement within the unit. This models the growth mindset to allow students an opportunity to strive for greater academic achievement and self awareness as they make progress and continue to set goals within the class. Each teacher will work with their classes to develop the model used in that particular content area.

The “Standards-Based Assessment” will follow the rubric below

Late work and Missing Assignment Policy

Make-up Work

Students have two days for each excused absence to make up missing work. Students are expected to check Schoology for the missed day(s) for any assignments needing to be completed. Students are also encouraged to email or talk directly with the teacher about any confusion before the two day make-up period expires.

Late Work

  • Students have two days for each excused absence to make up missing work for full credit.

  • Students will have one week to make up any late learning activities.

  • Students will have until the end of the unit to make up a late assessment with a 10% grade deduction.

  • For project based assessments students will start receiving a 10% deduction on the due date and for each day until the assessment is submitted.

Middle School Reassessment

For students who desire to demonstrate a higher standard achievement level they will have the opportunity to do test corrections or reassessments per teacher discretion for additional credit.