The First Days of School

Making a First Impression & Setting the Tone

First impressions are important, especially with the first days of school. What happens in those first days sets the tone for the entire school year through a combination spoken expectations, student learning experiences, and classroom rituals. Here are some questions worth considering when planning for the first days of school:

In thinking about the first days of school, here are some resources for exploration:

Establishing Classroom Norms

Daily mathematical discourse and fostering a language-rich learning environment where it's the students that are doing the talking, the thinking, and the mathematics doesn't happen by chance. It takes strong classroom norms, explicit modeling by teachers, and positive reinforcement for such norms to be established in forming the culture of the classroom. Having classroom norms not only defines how interpersonal communication will operate in the classroom, but they also empower students to take ownership of their learning and their thinking. 

Two examples of norms specific to the mathematics classroom are shown below:

Source unknown

Even the Seven Norms of Collaborative Work can be adapted for students in a classroom.

K-12 Mathematics Coordinator

Greg George

(303) 682-7247