Sunset Middle School Physical and Health Education

Sunset Middle School Physical and Health Education

We will be adding as much information on this page that we can to help you be successful in class. Our updates will be added at the beginning of the units. We are on a white/green alternating schedule and you will be attending P.E. all year long. Please have appropriate clothing to participate in class with ease. T shirt, shorts (ladies watch the length of your shorts), socks and tennis shoes. We do not allow tank tops or sleeveless shirts. You may wear sweats and sweatshirt if you prefer.

Other things you will need are a pen or pencil and a small spiral notebook. Leave these things in your P.E. locker so you have them on the days we need them. A two pocket folder will be needed during the Health section.

We will be incorporating Health into our Physical Education program on a daily basis along with having 5 set weeks that we will be in a classroom totally focusing on Health. Health will begin sometime after October when the weather brings us inside.

Grading: 5 Categories worth ten points each; points earned daily.

1. On time: Students are seated in squad lines (seating chart) ready for attendance precisely five minutes after official class start time.

2. Appropriate Dress: Appropriate dress is a change of clothes; shorts, sweats, athletic shirt, and running shoes.

3. Warm-up/stretch, floor exercises: Noticeable and consistent participation during this time. Noticeable and evident effort on jogging/running assignments.

4. Sportsmanship: Sportsmanship is a critical element in striving for the IB Learner Profile. Teachers will assess student effort and willingness to - work well in randomly selected groups, encourage one another, work to fulfill their role within the team/game concept, and take personal responsibility for building on their efforts to improve the skills taught during the unit.

5. Debrief/review: A brief review of the learning concepts, and time for the teacher to address the class regarding the day's lesson is essential. Students must provide the teacher with total attention during this time.

Teachers will observe and calculate these categories daily. Together they are worth 30% of a student's overall grade. Teachers will provide formative assessments regularly; teaching and demonstrating game skills for students and teaching/reviewing learning concepts, rules, and procedures of said games.

Teachers will meet with students individually bi-weekly to confirm their scores.

Unit plans consist of Invasion games, Net games, and choreographed, rhythmic routines/dances.

There are no written assessments (until the Health unit which brings us indoors with text books).

Summative assessments are 70% of a student's grade and occur toward the end of each unit.

Summative assessments involve student performance and effort toward overall team success. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the activity/game by knowing their role/position (discussing why it is critical for team success) and performing it to the best of their ability.

Sunset Physical Education is focused on fun, safe, exercises that build sportsmanship skills, self esteem, collaboration skills, independence, unity, and fitness.