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Counseling Services

At Longmont Estates Elementary, our students participate in a variety of learning opportunities that help them to develop age appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for academic success, college and career readiness, and social-emotional development.

School Wide Services:

  • school wide core curriculum

  • classroom guidance lessons

Responsive Services:

  • peer support groups

  • individual counseling

All learning opportunities are aligned with the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success, a group of national standards, which comprise a set of competencies that are specific, measurable expectations of student outcomes resulting from counseling lessons and activities.

Click on the button below to view the Mindsets & Behaviors

School Wide Services

Core Curriculum: InFocus

All students have daily opportunities to develop social and emotional intelligence through exploring concepts in the In Focus curriculum along with their classroom teacher and classmates.

In Focus helps your students do the following:

  • Improve their intellectual development and academic performance

  • Elevate their awareness, management and expression of feelings

  • Develop focusing and attention skills

  • Reduce bullying and impulsive behavior

  • Learn how to deal with conflict and stress

  • Elevate self-esteem and confidence

  • Strengthen social skills

  • Increase sensitivity and empathy

  • Build self-reflection and self-awareness skills

  • Develop problem-solving skills

  • Improve teamwork and collaboration skills

  • Increase social and emotional intelligence

Building Wide Curriculum: Zones of Regulation

All students have monthly exposure to Zones of Regulation curriculum through classroom guidance lessons, and daily exposure through Zones of Regulation prompts in all classrooms to help students identify their emotions and coping skills that they could use.

Zones of Regulation helps your students do the following:

  • Learn how to identify when they are in different zones and what that means for their behavior and interactions

  • Develop self-regulation skills

  • Increase vocabulary of emotional language

  • Learn about verbal and non-verbal communication

  • Develop and implement calming and alerting strategies

  • Develop problem solving skills

  • Elevate their awareness, management and expression of feelings

  • Develop focusing and attention skills

  • Develop and practice coping skills

  • Learn how to deal with conflict and stress

  • Strengthen social skills

  • Increase sensitivity and empathy

  • Build self-reflection and self-awareness skills

  • Increase social and emotional intelligence

Classroom Guidance Lessons

I visit each classroom monthly throughout the school year which gives me the opportunity to interact with every student and provide lessons that are responsive to student and classroom needs. Lessons typically last 30 minutes and support the development of the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success. Some example topics typically addressed include understanding feelings of self and others, zones of regulation, friendship skills, problem solving skills, conflict resolution, and positive learning skills.

Responsive Services

Another way I support students is by offering responsive services designed to meet students' immediate needs and concerns. Responsive services may include counseling in individual or small-group settings or crisis response.

Peer Support Groups

Peer Support Group provide opportunities to participate in small groups throughout the school year. These groups are formed based on need and grade level, with students often being referred by their teacher, their parent, or the Student Support Team. Groups focus on learning new skills and behaviors through discussions of ideas, feelings, and attitudes as well as through other activities such as going through group curriculum, reading books, role-playing, practicing new behaviors, relaxation exercises, and drawing. Peer Support groups typically meet for 6-8 weeks for about 30 minutes each week and provide students with the opportunity to make connections with peers, who are needing similar social-emotional support.

Individual Support and Crisis Response

Please let me know if you are ever concerned about an issue with which a student is struggling. I can provide individual or crisis response support as well as referrals for additional support through outside community agencies.

To refer students for responsive services and counseling support, please fill out the Counseling Services referral form on the HOME page.