Frequently Asked Questions

What is being done to keep schools clean and protect students?

Stephenville ISD contracts all custodial services with SSC Services for Education. Understanding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is rapidly evolving, our focus is – and will always be – the health, safety, and well-being of the Stephenville ISD family and community.

SSC adheres to the updated CDC protocols for outbreaks as they arise. They have disinfected all schools using Virex256 which is one of the disinfectants recommended by the CDC. While all schools have been disinfected already we are continuing to do so on a daily basis.

What is the best way to contact my teacher or school personnel?

Email will be the best way to communicate with your child’s teacher. However, if you are unable to contact them via email or have questions please contact the campus.

Central Elementary



8 am - 4 pm

Chamberlin Elementary

1st-2nd Grade


8 am - 4 pm

Hook Elementary

3rd-4th Grade


8 am - 4 pm

Gilbert Intermediate

5th-6th Grade


8 am - 4 pm

Henderson Junior High

7th-8th Grade


8 am - 4 pm

Stephenville High School

9th-12th Grade


8 am - 4 pm

Stephenville Administration Building


8 am - 4 pm

Will students be penalized for not having access to technology/internet at home?

It was our goal to provide students a blended approach to at home learning.

Who should I contact if my child has a technology issue with their iPad?

Submit a support ticket on the Technology page or use this link.

How will my child earn grades?

Students will be evaluated on their assignments by their teachers on work effort and content.

How will my child return assignments?

Students will bring work back when they return to school or submit online to their classroom. If there is an extension to our closure, we will revisit this question.

How can I support my child?

Encourage engagement and completion of school work provided by the district.

Create a consistent home learning schedule and space.

Will distance learning be counted the same as school days so that we aren't delaying the end of school?

We continue to take direction from the Texas Education Agency. As long as the district and student commit to providing and participating in some degree of instructional support and learning these days will be counted towards our school days.

Does my child have to use the school issued iPad?

Please visit our technology help desk.

What if my student sees the school counselor on a regular basis?

Counselors will be reaching out to the families of students that they see on a regular basis and will work with each family to set up regular communication.

Dyslexia: Istation will be used to serve our dyslexic students. Istation is a multi-sensory approach to reading instruction that is individualized and designed to meet the needs of students with dyslexia. Assignments in Istation will be made according to the academic needs of the student, and the program will track student progress. Dyslexia teachers will monitor the progress of each of their students and intervene when students are not being successful or are not making adequate progress. The Dyslexia teachers will coordinate with the classroom teacher to provide additional supports and interventions as needed. Dyslexia teachers will contact students/parents a minimum of 1 time per week.

RtI: RtI teachers will work closely with the classroom teacher to support students who qualify for RtI services. The classroom teacher will make the assignments, and the RtI teacher will ensure that the students are being successful and making adequate progress. If a student is not being successful with the regular classroom work, the RtI teacher will provide interventions that will support general education. All programs that RtI students are currently working in will be provided so that students can continue to work at home. RtI teachers will make contact with the classroom teacher at least 1 time per week to check student progress. They will also contact the RtI student/parent 1 time per week as well.

504: Classroom teachers will still provide accommodations as applicable with virtual/remote instruction.

SPED: As part of an ongoing effort to support all students served in Stephenville ISD, the Special Education Department has analyzed the services currently administered to our students in special education to ensure continuation of services. Individualized instruction and support will be provided virtually and/or with supplemental packets. Each student’s Special Education teacher (case manager) will be in contact with the parent to discuss support and services. Depending on the level of support necessary, the ongoing contact will vary from a minimum of one to three times weekly. In addition, if the student or parent has a question or would like additional assistance they can email/contact the campus Special Education teacher (case manager) to schedule a Zoom or other type of virtual conference. Speech and other identified services will also be addressed virtually and/or with supplemental packets, and parents will be contacted regarding individual changes. If you have questions regarding support and services, please contact the Special Education office at 254-968-6790 or Administration office at 254-968-7990.

How does the city and county declaration affect S.I.S.D. and pick up of instructional materials?

Education is considered an essential activity, so picking up your child’s work during the designated time frame, 7 am-7 pm Friday and Monday is allowed.