Grading Policy



Quizzes and unit tests summarize student understanding of multiple skills, often requiring higher level problem solving skills, multiple steps in finding a solution, and clear communication of reasoning or student understanding. Whenever possible, assessments will utilize released regents exam questions from past regents exams. 

Labs 35% 

All students must complete a minimum of 1200 minutes of successful lab reports before taking the Regents exam.   You must have all labs completed by mid-May. If you are absent the day of a lab, you will have the opportunity to make-up the lab activity, if possible. Note that a lab setup will be available for a period of 1 week after the original lab activity. After this period, the lab can no longer be made-up.

Homework/ classwork—15% 

This class consists of daily assignments and work completed outside of class. If you are absent, please review our agenda found in Google Classroom to see what you missed and email or check in with me at the beginning or end of class on the day you return to school. Late work will be accepted with a penalty of 10% each day it is late for up to 5 days past its due date. After this, you may earn up to 50% of the points available. Late work will not be accepted after a marking period has ended.

** I do assign large scale research projects throughout the year. These grades will be imputed as a test grade.