Grading Policy

Grading PROCEDURES & POLICIES - for all foods classes

Quarter average will be computed by the average of all points earned. Assignments vary in point value.

students may be excused for one lab per quarter due to absence, any additional labs must be made up for credit. This may be done in school during a study hall or after school when prior arrangements are made.  labs can also be made up at home, student must record them completing the lab and show the video to mrs. C, labs made up at home can earn a maximum of 40/50 points. 

Grade given every 10 weeks, points earned daily. Quarterly grade allows for 5 exemptions per quarter due to absences.

6 points per day earned:

*Late assignments will not be given full credit: 1-2 school days late = Lose 10%; 3-4 school days late = Lose 30%; 5+ school days late = Lose 50%.

Grading PROCEDURES & POLICIES - for child development & psychology

Quarter average will be computed by the average of all points earned. Assignments vary in point value.

Grade given every 10 weeks, points earned daily. Quarterly grade allows for 5 exemptions per quarter due to absences.

6 points per day earned:

*Late assignments will not be given full credit: 1-2 school days late = Lose 10%; 3-4 school days late = Lose 30%; 5+ school days late = Lose 50%.