Grading Policy


Grading Policy:

Each activity will be given a point value.  For example: a small assignment may be out of 10 points.  Larger assignments (such as quizzes and tests) may be out of 50 or 100 points.  Passion project will have several smaller point values, along with a larger one at the end of the semester.  To calculate the average grade for the semester, take the points earned, by the points available. 


Points earned: 345

Points available: 425


Late Work

I will accept late work up to 5 class days, without any loss of points.  If the assignment is more than 5 class days, the maximum you can get is half credit on an assignment.  All assignments are due at 11:59pm.

If you turn something in, after it has been graded and returned, you must email me as well in order for it to be counted.  You have until the end of the marking period to do so.