Classes Start Here

How to Contact Mr. G

The Best way to contact me is by school email:

Also: Snapchat: Chadg77

Text: 812-865-6566

Make sure You join!

The Cornell Note System

In My classes you are required to keep a notebook.

We will use to Cornell note system to keep our content organized.

You may draw your own template on your paper, you do not need to print off the sample sheets.

optional: Amazon has Cornell Notebooks for sale.

Create Your Own Digital Portfolio

A blended learning environment requires us to utilize the tools we have in order to maximize our learning. You will create a google site and update it weekly.

Be sure to Publish your website and send your HTML Link on the proper classroom assignment

Blackhawk eduRPG

I will be using a game and badge system to monitor progress. Most of this is of my own design and changes year to year. The goal is to add some fun into the learning process. Playing along is not a requirement and it has no reflection on your grade. But playing along comes with Perks. You do not get to use the Benefits (like Extra Lives) if you choose not to participate.