What we do?

Defending Food Sovereignty, Struggle for Land and Agrarian Reforms

Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through sustainable methods and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It develops a model of small scale sustainable production benefiting communities and their environment. Food sovereignty prioritizes local food production and consumption, giving a country the right to protect its local producers from cheap imports and to control its production.

It includes the struggle for land and genuine agrarian reform that ensures that the rights to use and manage lands, territories, water, seeds, livestock and biodiversity are in the hands of those who produce food and not of the corporate sector.

Promoting Ecological Farming and Defending Local Seeds

OMNE sees Agroecology as a key form of resistance to an economic system that puts profit before life. It recognizes that small farmers who make up almost half the world’s people, are capable of producing food for their communities and feeding the world in a sustainable and healthy way.

Seeds are an irreplaceable pillar of food production and the basis of productive, social and cultural reproduction. OMNE promotes farmers’ rights to use, develop and reproduce farmers' seeds and struggles against attempts by corporations to control our common heritage.

Young farmers, committed to transformation of our reality, are an inspiring force in the movement. They contribute to advancing Food Sovereignty globally.