Call for Papers

The DHU7 Executive Committee invites proposals for presentations. Proposals are due on 11 December 2022 and should be submitted here.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Computational and digital approaches to humanistic research

  • Humanistic examinations of the computational and digital

  • DH- and digital pedagogy, including pandemic/post-pandemic pedagogy

  • Digital librarianship, including archives

  • DH tools and infrastructures

  • Physical computing

  • Use of digital technologies to write, publish, and review scholarship

  • Public scholarship


  • 15 October 2022, publication of CFP

  • 11 December 2022, proposals due / peer-review begins

  • 6 January 2023, notification of acceptances

  • 24-25 February 2023, DHU7

Proposal Formats

We welcome proposals in the following formats:

  • Standalone papers

  • Panels

  • Roundtables

  • Hands-on workshops

Standalone Papers

Papers should be 15 minutes long and will be organized into three-paper sessions. Please prepare a proposal of 250-500 words.


Panels should feature three 15-minute presentations on a related topic. Please prepare a proposal of 500-1000 words, with a description of the panel topic and, as part of that word count, a minimum of 100 words about each of the three presentations.


Roundtables should feature three or more speakers, each of whom will deliver remarks of five minutes or less and then will engage in dialogue with one another and the audience for a total of 60 minutes. Please prepare a proposal of 500-1000 words, with a description of the roundtable’s topic and what the different speakers will discuss.

Hands-on Workshops

Workshops will last 60 minutes and should provide hands-on instruction in a DH tool or methodology. They may be led by one individual or a team. For example, one could do an hour’s workshop to teach Gephi or sentiment analysis. Please prepare a proposal of 500-1000 words, including a description of the workshop’s purpose and a sketch of the workshop’s curriculum.

Other Proposals

If you prefer to present in a different modality than the four listed above, please send an inquiry to