Tuesday, November 7th

7:30 AM - 10:30 AM  |  5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Welcome to Parent-Caregiver/Teacher Conference Signups!

 To make this process simple and easy for you, we are using an application called signup.com. You will NOT need to create an account or password, simply sign up for the date and timeslot that fits your schedule.

If more than 1 person plans to join the meeting, only 1 sign up needs to be scheduled. Please share the scheduled date & time with other expected attendees.

To begin, start by clicking "CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE" at the bottom of this page, then following the below instructions.

Step 1: Choose the teacher you want to sign up for by clicking "View"

Step 2: Choose the desired date and time by clicking "sign up"

Step 3: Add Name, phone number & student name and click "Save and Done"

Step 4: To finalize, click "Save" at the top of the screen

To sign up with another teacher, from your confirmation screen, click "Go back to all SignUps"

*These instructions may vary slightly if you are using a mobile or tablet device

What if I need to cancel/reschedule?

Not a problem! Contact Josilynn Reed in the Guidance office by phone or email to make the change.

reedj@suttonschools.net | (508) 581-1640 x 1169