Now what we are doing now?

What's a 'Now Page'?
This is Sutranovum's Now page. It tells you what we are up to. Not in a Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn kind of way. And it is not the overview of what we stand for or do: as in the "About" or "What we do." It merely clarifies what we are focused on right now; think of what you would tell a friend you had not seen in a year. That’s what a Now page is for. You can’t get that big picture from any other outlets, as far as we are aware. 

Handling a lot of Change

In the last couple of years, Nathan had stalled the work on Sutranovum and Bodisutra. This was because of life circumstances He started back on both in March 2024 while spending time in a beautiful area of rural Ecuador, hosted by dear friends. The shift to the current focus feels very wise.

The inspiration came to return to work on both brand visions as he recovered from several bouts of Covid, the impacts of family challenges and abuses he had to handle at the hands of corrupt psychotherapy academics - and administrative officials who supported them - at Edgehill University in Lancashire, United Kingdom. The University secretly fired the academic behind the abuses, all this was done on the sly to protect reputations from being tainted while Nathan was scapegoated; the typical insecure ego agenda. The big problem with wounded healers is they think it is "the other" / the client who has the problem.  The "holier than thou" psychotherapist ego can be really deaf to this. They don't yet understand that "projection makes perception." That kind of thinking becomes a weapon in the wrong hands and causes a lot of unnecessary destruction and mayhem. The truth is we are one. The psychotherapy degree at Edgehill University was all about emboldening the victim-victimizer mind state. 

On paper, it had the gloss of being about healing. The practitioners that were teaching the course did not understand that: 'our brother is as right as we are, and if you think he is wrong, you are condemning yourself.' The situation at Edgehill University came in the aftermath of a fairly challenging divorce with Nathan's ex-wife who was haunted by manic bipolar. They are now on good terms. The last couple of years has been quite a rollercoaster ride! 

It is a period that is a perfect example of an "eye of the needle" experience. We all go through such experiences and how we master seeing such circumstances as happening FOR US - rather than "to us," so as to heal our mind of the illusion of insanity being "out there"  - is critical. This is not an easy path for most of us. We all repeat this challenge until we master it. 

Lessons from these Experiences

The script of our life is written in all of our lives. All of us go through ups and downs. Job went through periods of blessing and periods of hell. But inwardly his devotion to truth never wavered. We all have the same mind as Job. It is a tool and tools can be used or abused. The right use of the mind, whatever our outer circumstances - no matter how difficult and challenging - is, like Job, to align it with love. This is the focus of humility. 

"No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.

Searching is inevitable here. For this you came, and you will surely do the thing you came for. But the world can not dictate the goal for which you search, unless you give it power to do so. Otherwise, you still are free to choose a goal that lies beyond the world and every worldly thought, and one that comes to you from an idea relinquished yet remembered, old yet new; an echo of a heritage forgot, yet holding everything you really want.

Be glad that search you must. Be glad as well to learn you search for Heaven, and must find the goal you really want. No one can fail to want this goal and reach it in the end. You can not seek vainly, though you try to force delay, deceive yourself and think that it is hell you seek. When you are wrong, you find correction. When you wanders off, you led back to your appointed task."
Adapted from a Course in Miracles, Lesson 131

What we do in the world, and what happens to us relates to the form of things. But why we do what we do and how and why we do it relates to function. Our function is to relate our mind to what is real and to transcend the unreal. 

Insanity rules many of the institutions of the world; that includes university departments that teach psychotherapy degrees and get lost in their petty insecure ego arguments while pertaining to be places where sanity is championed. The important thing to master is this: people can outright abuse us, but we must learn to see it as cry for love, and not judge, but instead practice forgiveness, for our own healing and corrections of misperception in this world of illusions.

"You look for permanence in the impermanent, for love where there is none, for safety in the midst of danger; immortality within the darkness of the dream of death. Who could succeed where contradiction is the setting of his searching, and the place to which he comes to find stability?"

In the Psychotherapy department at the University of Edgehill the professors were swept up in their activism and insecurity, which manifested as attacks on free speech and malicious projections.  They said they were focused on ending the victim mind. What they were doing was the complete opposite of this. What they were really teaching was weaponised false victimhood based on gender, race etc. The question was asked about how to create "safety in the group." Nathan inputed that safety is the child of ending attack and defence thoughts. This is indisputable. But insecurity ran the affairs at the university and that insecurity dominated like a runaway train. The ego, whether it's an academic ego, a spiritual ego or a normal ego, loves scapegoats and justification of wrath; this was no different with the academics and students that formed their crucifying mob. This is a common problem in a world that is stuck on the surface of the mind. All Nathan could do was walk away and file complaints against a corrupt administration. The complaints process continues to this day. 

A Story from Iran

It was an autumn Tuesday. The day had not broken yet. Samereh stood outside the gates of Nour prison, in a strange and suffocating darkness, among the crowd. She hadn’t slept last night. Neither had her entire family. Balal was to be hanged before the daybreak. Balal, the one who had stabbed her son Abdollah to death.Both were 18. They were friends. For years, they played football most evenings in Iran's northern Mazandaran village, by the Caspian Sea. 

One evening. One sudden brawl. A tiny mad moment. Balal stabbed Abdollah. 

As Balal's execution date drew nearer, Abdullah began appearing to his mother in a series of vivid dreams. The boy in the dream was asking his mom not to take revenge. Two nights before Balal’s execution, her son appeared again in Samerah’s dream. This time he just stood looking at her, refusing to speak. In that strange hour of the day, the prison guards hooked a rope around Balal's neck. He was made to stand on a chair blindfolded, his hands tied behind his back. Iran's law allowed Samerah, the victim’s heir, to kick the chair away. An Iranian mullah read from the Qur'an. Then they looked at Samerah. Standing on the chair with noose on his neck, Balal wept out: "Please forgive me, at least for the sake of my mum and dad.”

Samerah’s youngest son had died in a motorbike accident when he was 11. She was mad at God. She was mad at men. She was mad at the whole big world. Samerah, weeping, shouted back at Balal. “How can I forgive, did you show mercy to my son?" Balal fell quiet. As the crowd watched in anguish, suddenly, Samerah clambered up on another stool and slapped Balal across the face and climbed down bursting into a flood of tears. Then she did something that astonished the whole land of Iran. She called out for her husband and simply said to remove the noose from Balal’s neck. In moments, the rope from Balal's neck was untied and the boy was officially declared pardoned. Balal's mother Kobra, weeping madly, fell on Samerah’s feet and kissed them. The Guardian reports: “Arash Khamoushi, a photographer for Iranian news agency Isna, captured the extraordinary scene in a series of pictures that flooded internet sites, newspapers and television sets across the world. Among the most poignant images is of the mothers, facing each other for the first time, holding one another in their arms.” Then Samerah and her husband drove to the cemetery where Abdollah was buried. She knelt at the grave and wept away her grief and thanked him for appearing in her dream with his request to pardon his killer. 

“Identify with love, and you are safe,” says the same voice of Love in ‘A Course in Miracles’.

“It is sin’s unreality that makes forgiveness natural and wholly sane, a deep relief to those who offer it; a quiet blessing where it is received. It does not countenance illusions, but collects them lightly, with a little laugh, and gently lays them at the feet of truth. And there they disappear entirely.”  'A Course in Miracles'.

"The more something upsets you, the more it is meant for you. When it no longer upsets you, it is no longer needed because its lesson is complete."
Bryant McGill


Nirvana is here and now

"Nirvana is right here in the midst of the turmoil of life. It is the state you find when you are no longer driven to live by compelling desires, fears and social commitments; when you have found your center of freedom and can act by choice out of that."

Joseph Campbell
Developing Content and First Products

Nathanis working daily with Carolina, in Peru, on T-shirt designs, cards and homewares. Riccardo in Ireland has been giving us occasional input on our progress. We are really happy with the way the brand style guide and iconography are developing and we love the t-shirts we have finalised. We are in talks with yoga pant designers in Pakistan and pattern designers in Italy and artists in India, England and the United States, for the development of our cards. clothes and more that is to come. Nathan is working daily on the two websites on a daily basis. A friend in India, Stefan, is helping him compile some of the first Sutranovum books and calendars/journals. Matt in Thailand is supportive of efforts on the technology end. We have been testing paths forward with e-commerce and have found a combination we like - though it is not live on the website at the time of writing. The founder of Aunty Acid has been mentoring Nathan on how to roll out Bodisutra as a webcomic. Scripts come together (and seed ideas are posted) on this Facebook Group.

Podcasts, YouTube, Therapy, Networking and AI.  

Nathan regularly sits down to record podcast interviews with different podcasts channels across the planet, as well as to record videos for the Sutranovum YouTube channel. The primary focus of the channel is inner peace and the healing of the mind and handling a world crying out for love. This brings up the reflection of our own cries for love and how we master them and become extensions of love in our journey to wholeness.

He also has a small group of clients for psychotherapy around the world. He meets them online for their sessions. Nathan has been connecting with people in fashion, licensing and PR, journalism and investment to build out the two brands. We are also in conversations with buyers, and animators (for the development of Bodisutra). We are also experimenting with AI to support the growth of Bodisutra. We are building up connections on LinkedIn and in the investment world. Each day is a rolling road, and step by step, the business is coming close to launch and lift off in terms of the developments that follow. 

Baby Chickens, Shifts in Perception & Gratitude

The garden next to where Nathan lives has had two broods of baby chicks recently. They run free and keep the weeds at bay; not so much the flies though, they seem to be losing the battle on that score. Their happy chirps and the idyllic climate is a huge boon to support the movement of inspiration that sees Sutranovum and Bodisutra going from strength to strength. Nathan continues to study the Course in Miracles daily. Life, whatever we do, is about bringing gratitude and trust to the moment.