From the Nurse

Reasons your child must stay home from school

● Fever of 100.4 or above. Child should be fever free without use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. 

● Vomiting and/or diarrhea with or without fever. Child should be free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. 

● Any rash of unknown cause until cleared by healthcare provider. 

● Persistent coughing or difficulty breathing with or without fever. 

● Yellow/green nasal or eye drainage. 

● Severe pain. 

Please contact your child’s primary healthcare provider for medical concerns.

1. Fever. Any temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Centigrade) is a fever, and children shouldn’t go to school with fevers. Not only are fevers a sign of some sort of infection, it also usually means that they are shedding germs right and left. There’s just no way you can know whether things will get better or worse — and while giving them medicine might bring the fever down, it won’t stop them from being contagious. A child should be fever-free for 24 hours before going back (no fair giving ibuprofen or acetaminophen regularly to tamp it down).

2. Vomiting or diarrhea. It’s unfair all around — to the child and the school — to send a child with vomiting or diarrhea no matter how well they might look to you. The same 20-24 hour rule applies.

3. Coughing that won’t stop — or anything different about your child’s breathing. If we kept every child with a cold home during the winter months, there would be a lot of empty classrooms. But a really bad cough not only makes it hard for a child to learn or play, it also warrants a call to the doctor, as does breathing that sounds or looks different from usual.

This informational material educates and raises awareness of the importance of lead poisoning prevention. There is no expectation of a returned risk assessment. The risk assessment does not replace the lead screening school entry requirement. As stated in the fact sheet, Families should contact their pediatrician or primary care provider to discuss whether screening or testing is appropriate. Those who do not have a primary care provider can contact one of the Public Health Clinics listed...

Here are the translations: 





Haitian Creole:


14 Del. Code § 4142 Free feminine hygiene products in schools.

For the purposes of this section, “feminine hygiene products” means tampons and sanitary napkins, for use in connection with the menstrual cycle.

Feminine hygiene products are provided for students as needed in the nurse's office. 



If it is necessary for your child to take medication during the school day, it must be turned in to Donna Allen, Sussex Academy Elementary Nurse. 

IMPORTANT, please remember: