
Cocopah Middle School

8th Grade English Language Arts 2018-2019

Miss James

Contact Information:

Email : Classroom Phone : 480-484-4400 ext. 44458

Communication Reminders for students - and parents:

  • Instagram: @missjames_cms
    • This tool will be used for classroom reminders, or even congratulatory moments. It has proven to be a positive tool in the classroom. Students that do not have an Instagram account will not be penalized in any way.
  • Remind App Text Alerts
    • Sign up to receive class updates and reminders:
      • Regular- Text @missjamese to 81010
      • Honors- Text @missjamesh to 81010

Office Hours:

I am available before or after school by appointment only.


The class will be comprised of four units: The challenge of Heroism, The Challenge in Creating a Utopia, The Challenge of Creating a Light, and The Challenge of Comedy. Students will focus on these composition objectives and activities: vocabulary, grammar, expository writing, literary response, book analysis, presentations, and research.

Rules and Expectations


  • Cell phones will be kept in your backpack - not pocket - unless I have directed it to be taken out for use.
  • A respectful and positive attitude toward all peers and Miss James will be maintained.
  • Gum is not allowed at all.


  • Arrive to class on time, which means in your seat when the bell rings with materials out and ready.
  • Hats must be removed in halls and in classroom.
  • Healthy, no nut snacks - are allowed, crumbs and wrappers will be picked up and thrown away.

Class Supplies

  • Keep all graded work in binder or classroom filing shelf, and do not throw it away until the final grade for the quarter has been entered.
  • Arrive to class with your composition notebook, novels, and pencils every day - these are the necessities, but not the only items for class.
  • Other supplies that are appreciated to keep our classroom running smoothly: pencils, pens, highlighters, Kleenex, antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, lined paper, folders, markers, etc.


Students will have a Google account this year. Once they join, they will have assignments, resources, and other materials to access. It is expected that students follow instructions for each assignment attached and check Synergy and Google Classroom to obtain any materials that have been added here. Parents will not have a code for themselves because this is only for students that are electronically registered in the district.


An absent student will have the number of days they were out to make up an assignment. If the assignment is received prior to the absence, they will still need to turn the assignment in on the assigned due date. If a student is absent on the due date, they must turn in the assignment on the day they return. Forgetting to turn in an assignment upon returning from an absence will constitute in a late grade and late grade policy will be applied. An absence is not an excuse for not completing an assignment. If possible obtain the assignment while absent, and complete it before returning. You ARE responsible ON the day you return for getting ANY assignment you missed while out. Forgetting to do so will count as a late assignment and the late policy will be applied.


Grades are weighted as follows:

Homework/Classwork 30%

Assessments 70%

  • Grades are in Synergy - please check these regularly
  • See me before or after class if there is an error in an entered grade

Late Work: It is an expectation that students complete all homework on time. The window of opportunity for students to complete and submit late work for 8th Grade ELA will be as follows:

Homework - two days late and 10% reduction in grade

Other coursework - one week late with a 10% reduction in grade

Thereafter, assignments will be graded with a 50% reduction up until the content is assessed. After the assessment, the work will no longer be accepted. Late work will not be accepted the week prior to the midterm or at the end of the quarter. At teacher discretion, some assignments may not be accepted as late.

Life happens! If there is an issue that comes up and you are not be able to submit your absolute top notch work, you will need to email me, and come discuss with me the day before the assignment is due. You cannot walk in the day the assignment is due and expect extra time to be granted. Extensions will often be granted, but should not be expected or become a habit.

Test/Quiz and Credit Recovery: Your parent/guardian must sign the test or assignment to acknowledge they saw your grade. It must be returned to me within two days after it is passed back in order for you to be eligible to recover credit. I will then give permission to students to retake/redo the test or assignment.

Assignments eligible for a redo/retake will be noted in the gradebook. It is the student's’ responsibility to complete the redo/retake by the given due date. Performance Based Assessments are not eligible for a redo.

No extra credit assignments will be created.

Performance Based Assessments (PBA’s) are end of unit tests for class and must be completed at school. Students are not to work on these essays/tests outside of school hours and will receive a failing grade if this rule is not followed.

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating

  • Administration and parents will be contacted if cheating is suspected or occurs
  • A failing grade or an additional credit recovery assignment will be discussed.
  • Plagiarism is cheating. It is when students take the work of another and pass it off as their own. This would include:
    • Turning in another person’s paper as though you created it.
    • Copying a peer’s paper - either word for word or paraphrasing their words
    • Failing to cite a source used
    • Copying an author’s exact words from ANY source and claiming them as your own.