Mrs. MacColl

Chaparral High School

Honors Biology, Zoology/Botany


Hello! Head Crustacean here, Mrs. MacColl. Welcome to Honors Biology & Zoology/Botany! This is my 24th year teaching in the SUSD. I taught 7th grade Life Science for six years at Cocopah Middle School. This is my 18th year at Chaparral High School. Before drifting to Scottsdale, I taught in Hayward's Heath, England. I was hatched, raised and molted my exoskeleton many times in Manchester, Connecticut. I then migrated to Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York where I received my B.S. (Bachelor in Science, not Best Swimmer) in Biology and Psychology and a minor in African American Studies. After graduating, I scurried off to Arizona State University where I received my MA. Ed in Curriculum and Instruction. In 2008 I became a National Board Certified (NBC) Teacher in Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood and renewed my NBC in 2018. When I am not teaching, and can get out of my aquarium, my ten appendages enjoy playing soccer, camping, hiking, running, cycling, painting, gardening, scrapbooking, and traveling. Husband and I have two little arthropods of our own, Elliott Bean and Owen Pip, and we have five furry, eight scaly, and 19 feathered kids: Darwin, Martin, Otis, and Kit (they purr), Rue (she barks), Loyal and Cecil (they move v…e…r…y s…l…o…w…l…y), Beck, Angel, Happy, Stewie, Gina, and Daisy take residence in our pond. Mabel, Eleanor, Gertrude, Phyllis, Blue, Beauty, Trip 1, Trip 2, Mia, Lucy, CT 1, CT 2, Georgia, Rebecca, Perry, Goldie, Muppet, Bell, and Lo lay the most beautiful eggs. I consider myself the luckiest Crustacean in all the pools of water on Earth. I have the pleasure of working with the best students, parents, faculty and staff around!


Classroom Phone: 480.484.6500 ext 46664

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