
Application Window

DMHS NHS application window is open once per school year from April 10th to April 18th. Students must have submitted a completed application by the deadline.  Late applications will not be accepted.

Membership Requirements

Scholarship – All students seeking admission to the Desert Mountain High School NHS must have a minimum weighted GPA of 3.85 and have been students at DMHS for a minimum of 1 semester before applying.  

Service – All students seeking admission to the Desert Mountain High School NHS must have participated in service activities during high school prior to seeking admission. The total number of service hours must be at least 20 hours. These are activities inside and outside the school in which you, the student, participated for the betterment of your community.

Leadership – All students seeking admission to the Desert Mountain High School NHS must be able to demonstrate they are leaders in the school and/or community. Students may choose one of following options to demonstrate their leadership.

Option 1: The students will list one or more elected or appointed leadership position held in the school, community, and/or workplace since starting high school.

Option 2: The students will write a one to three page personal leadership statement demonstrating an instances of leadership as defined more broadly in the Alternative Indicator of Leadership section of the Honor Society’s National Handbook.

Character – All students seeking admission to the Desert Mountain High School NHS will have their names submitted to school and community authorities for evaluation before the selections are finalized. Not following school and community rules and regulations may be grounds for disqualification. Discipline and attendance records will be checked to insure no rule infractions of the student code of conduct rules have occurred during the past year.

Application for student to complete


Form to submit application

Link -

Upload a PDF, Word, or Image of your application

Must be signed into your susdgapps email address to submit your application

Required sections of an NHS application:

I.  Administrative Information (Parent Signature Required)

II. Scholarship. (Parent Signature Required)

III. Character (Parent Signature Required)

IV. Leadership (Students need to demonstrate leadership)

V. Service to SCHOOL (students need to demonstrate service to the school)

VI. Service to COMMUNITY  (students need to demonstrate service to the community)

VII. Miscellaneous (any other service the student has done that they would like to have taken into consideration)

VIII. ESSAY (students need to write an essay addressing what makes them a good candidate for NHS)

the 5 teacher evaluations will be turned in by the teachers to the following form

Link -

Applications must be turn in through the google form.  Applications cannot be dropped of with the front office.