Computer Resources

Computer Resources in Physics

Single Sign-on

To help you locate many of our district resources all in one place, you can log on to using your ID number and 8 digit birthdate. You can find all the files on your google drive and on Hdrive here so that you can access them from any computer. You also have access to use Microsoft Office products through this drive, even on computers that don’t have them installed. There are links to you library resources, Discovery Ed, Edmodo, Galileo and StudentVue.

District Website

Our district launched a new website this fall. The new website is supposed to be easier to navigate and work better on mobile devices. On the new district website you will be able to access the teacher pages from the staff directory. Teachers will use this page to varying extents, but every teacher’s page is intended to be a launching point to where you can find more resources and information about their class and district resources. Currently, the links to your teachers’ pages are not active on the district website, but they will be up and running soon. You can access your teachers’ pages through Synergy.

Discovery Ed and Techbook

You can link to Discovery Education from the Single Sign-on website, in which case you will already be logged in, or you can navigate to it directly at Use your ID number and 8 digit birthdate to log-on. Discovery Education has many resources from concept enhancers to full videos, worksheets, demonstrations and online labs. Use the search bar at the top to find what you are looking for. To navigate to your Physics Techbook, put your cursor over the dropdown menu called “My DE Services” and select “Science Techbook”. If it does not already bring you to the Physics techbook, you can select the correct techbook with the “Switch Course” icon.


You should already have some experience with Synergy. If you go to then you can log in with your ID and birthdate. In Synergy, you can view your class grades, a calendar and many other resources. I will put links and announcements on our Synergy class website but I will not be putting files on Synergy, those will be located on Google.


PhET is a website similar to Gizmos. There are many online simulations that you can do on this site. We will be using some of these simulations in class and/or at home for assignments. To get to the PhET website, go to and click on the “Play with Sims” button at the top of the screen. The simulations are organized by topic and can be sorted through with the links on the left side of the page.


Like PhET, Gizmos are online simulations that we will use for labs and activities. Gizmos are found at You must log in to Gizmos to use them.

1. If you already have a Gizmos login from another class or school year, click on the blue banner and login.

2. Once you are logged in, you can click on “Enroll in a Class” next to your class tabs near the top of the page. To enroll in our class, enter the correct class code shown below.


1. If you do not have or do not remember your login, click on the “Login/Enroll” link at the top right and enter the correct class code shown below to “Enroll in a Class”.

2. On the next screen you will need to click on the green banner to create a new account.

3. Enter the information on the next screen and hit submit.

Class Codes

Period 2 - DKDWWWHQ75 Period 4 - B4DATLQPRT

Period 3 - VVT9UMC8C4 Period 6 – FVCJCNKKF3

Logger Pro

Logger Pro is not a website, but a program that we will use in class often. With this program we can create graphs with our lab data and analyze those graphs with the tools in Logger Pro. You can also copy and paste those graphs and data tables into documents. Science computers already have a copy of Logger Pro installed on them, including the laptops that we use, the science computer lab and the computers in the science labs. With our site license, students are also allowed to download a copy of Logger Pro onto their home computers as well. To download a copy of Logger Pro onto your home computer, follow the instructions below.

Use the links below to download the Logger Pro software from Vernier Software & Technology. After the file has downloaded to your computer, double-click the file, and enter the password to install the software.


Windows 10, 8.1, 7 MacOS 10.12, 10.11, 10.10

Logger Pro 3.14 Logger Pro 3.14

Link: Link:

Detailed Instructions

For more details on how to download and install Logger Pro, see: