Mrs. Griffith

Anasazi Elementary School

4th Grade Teacher


Mrs. Griffith grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She attended college at Southeastern Louisiana University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Following graduation, she worked for the Louisiana State Police as a dispatcher for one year. She worked as a Behavioral Specialist with children at home, at school, and in the community. She then completed her teacher certification requirements and received her Certificate in Education. Mrs. Griffith began teaching in 2006. In 2010, she was a finalist for the Outstanding Louisiana Mathematics Teacher Award. In 2014, she was the Teacher of the Year for her school. In 2017, she began her Gifted Endorsement. Mrs. Griffith has a strong passion for teaching and is thankful for the opportunity to plant new seeds.


Classroom Phone: 480- 484-7300 ext. 5101

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