Welcome to 2nd Grade

Eagles have begun~We WILL overcome~Look out world~It's 2021!


Spring Room

Classroom Business

Class Supplies:

Thank you very much to those of you that were able to donate $50 toward class supplies. We have to buy all of our own supplies and with a larger class size and not being able to have communal supplies, I greatly appreciate your help.

Your child needs to have a designated space at home to complete their school work this year. In order to be conducive to learning, this place should have a good writing surface and space to store school supplies like textbooks, chromebook and pencil box. It is important that these supplies are kept in a safe space so they last the school year and will be able to be brought back to school when we return to campus. It is also helpful to have good lighting so I can easily see your student during video calls. It is important that the TV is turned off during work time and distractions are kept to a minimum. Headphones/earbuds (with or without microphone) are highly encouraged.

Field Trips:

Unfortunately all field trips are cancelled for the foreseeable future. However, I would love the chance to have virtual class field trips and will be looking for opportunities.

Scholastic Book Orders:

Information about book orders will come to you through newsletters. We will be able to do book orders this year since we will have materials exchanges about twice a month. You can place orders online using our class code: VWQPM.

School Business


Even though we are in Distance Learning to start the year, attendance will be taken every day & submitted to the school office. Students are expected to be at all assigned Zoom meetings. Like a regular school year, please try to schedule all appointments for the afternoon and contact the teacher ahead of time when possible.

Standards-Based Report Cards:

Sunol Glen Elementary School has a trimester reporting period and uses a Common-Core aligned Standard Based Report Card. The report card will be given out in November, March, and June. Your child will be assessed on the Common Core Standards. The standards go deeper into key concepts in Math and English/ Language Arts and require a practical application of knowledge that prepares students for future success. Work assigned during Distance Learning will be graded and assessed for report cards.



Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns at any point during this school year. I will try my best to respond within 24 hours to emails during the school week. If it is an urgent message, please mark that in in the subject line. If it has been more than 24 hours and you have not heard from me, please send me another message as it is likely that your email got buried in my inbox.

1-1 Zoom Calls:

While most of our communication will be through email, if you would like to schedule a parent 1-1 Zoom meeting I am happy to arrange that. Sometimes it is easier/more efficient to talk to a live person than to try to get it all down in writing. 1-1 meetings are offered for both parents and kids, just email to schedule.