Mrs. Roedel's Library


Hello Outlook Lions!

It is book award voting time! Grades 1-3 please click on your tab above which will take you to a W.C.C.P.B.A. book voting ballot. Open the link and please reflect on your favorite book. Check your one book and click on submit.

Grades 4-5, please click on your tab above and it will take you to a Sasquatch Book Award Voting Ballot. Pick your favorite, check the box next to the book's title and click on submit.

We will tally our votes from Outlook Elementary and I will submit them to the book award committees. THANKS FOR VOTING!!

Book Fair News and a hello to all!

Book Fair Info May 4, 2020 4:15 PM.webm

Hi Outlook Lions! Click on this picture for a fun read aloud from author Ben Clanton, who is from Seattle, WA!

Get ready for waffles and rainbow slides and ocean fun! Author/illustrator Ben Clanton brings his beloved deep-sea duo Narwhal (the happy-go-lucky Unicorn of the Sea) and his pal Jelly (the blue worry-wart jellyfish) straight to you in this exclusive webcast.


Hello Outlook Readers!!! I miss all of you so much! I hope you are feeling well, enjoying your families and reading something every day!! I am going to attach some links to resources that you can explore and enjoy. There are many sites which are offering free access to digital books if you are interested . We should try to read at least 20 minutes a day to keep our reading on track.

*** If you have library books, please drop them off when you will be coming to school to pick up your personal belongings during the last week of school!

Read some recipes, magazines, newspapers, online resources --whatever you have access to. Please use the links I have attached-keep your mind and body engaged and active.